OVERVIEW 1. The Special Olympics 2. Founding of the Special Olympics 3. The Sports 4. The People of the Games 5. Future of the Games 6. Questions
BEHIND THE FOUNDER org/Video3.aspx?id= Eunice Kennedy Shriver
FIRST STEPS TOWARDS THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS In the 1950’s and early 1960’s was when she took action and provided a place for children with intellectual disabilities to play safely In her own backyard she provided a summer camp The goal was to allow the children to play and see what they could do not focusing on what they couldn’t Throughout the 1960’s her vision grew eventually leading to a Special Olympic movement July 19-20, 1968 the first International Special Olympics Summer Games were held in Chicago, Illinois
ESTABLISHING THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS In December 1971 the U.S. Olympic committees gave their official approval for the Special Olympics to officially use the title of “Olympics” February 5-11, 1977 the first International Special Olympics Winter games were held in Colorado June 1981 in Kansas a police chief, Richard Lamunyon, started what became a tradition of the Torch Run for the Special Olympics The Torch Run today still raises awareness and now is a fundraiser, raising $30 million each year for the Special Olympics
THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS In February 1988 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) signs an agreement with Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver officially recognizing the Special Olympics March the 5 th Winter Special Olympics are held in Austria 2008 sees 3 million athletes from over 180 countries participating In January 2013 the first Special Olympics Global Development Summit is held as a part of the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games
Alpine Skiing Aquatics Athletics Badminton Basketball Bocce Bowling Cricket Cross Country Skiing Cycling Equestrian Figure Skating Floor Hockey Floorball Football (Soccer) Golf Gymnastics, Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Handball Judo Kayaking Motor Activity Training Program Netball Open Water Swimming SPORTS INCLUDED IN THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS Play activities Powerlifting Roller Skating Sailing Snowboarding Snowshoeing Softball Speed Skating Table tennis Unified Sports Volleyball World Games
EVENTS UNIQUE TO THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS Motor Activity Program This event is not like a traditional Olympic event It is designed for participants with severe or profound intellectual ability who are not at the time able to participate in the official games These activities vary but are designed to help them to eventually be able to participate in the official games Each of the participants try to match their personal bests when competing
EVENTS UNIQUE TO THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS Unified Sports These sports consists of athletes with and without intellectual disabilities to help improve their skills at a competitive level World Games Is and event like the Olympics where athletes from all over the world compete against each other
WHO CAN BECOME A PART OF THE EVENT The special Olympics are for ages 8 and up Having the opportunity greatly helps these athletes gain confidence in themselves and empowers them to focus on what they can do than what people say they can’t It also shows them that there are others like themselves There are many other opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in the Games after their athletic career or if they would just like to support the cause
FOUNDATION OF SPECIAL OLYMPICS QUESTION #1 What decade was the movement started? a.1940’s b.1950’s c.1960’s QUESTION #2 Who started this movement? a. John F. Kennedy c. Eunice Kennedy Shriver d. Sargent Kennedy Shriver
FOUNDATION OF THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS QUESTION #3 When was the first International Special Olympics held? a.1966 b.1968 c.1970 QUESTION #4 Where did Eunice first start the Special Olympics a.Her backyard b.Her country club c.Her nearby rec center
THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS QUESTION #5 Which charitable event raises 30 million a year for the Special Olympics? a.The Torch Run b.The Police Relay for Special Olympics c.The Run for Equality QUESTION #6 When was the Special Olympics officially recognized by the IOC? a b c. 1988
THE SPORTS QUESTION #7 The Motor Activity Program is an event where participants compete against: a.Themselves b.Their equals c.International athletes QUESTION #8 What are the World Games? a.An event which incorporates local tradition b.International Special Olympics c. Where each event
THE PEOPLE OF THE GAMES QUESTION #9 How old must you be to participate in the Special Olympics? a.8 b.10 c.12 QUESTION #10 What are others ways people with intellectual disabilities participate? a.Coach b.Officiate c.Mentor