By Arthur Kozhevnik Press Here to start.
Table of contents Table of contents(your on it). Teams (next). New activates and responsibilities and other stuff. Lockers Gym Sports A/B days Food Arts classes Our class
Teams Fusion Phoenix Synergy Team Quest Supernova Infinity 8 th 7 th
New activates and responsibilities and other stuff. More freedom. 2 Lockers.Lockers Less pressure. Better lunch. Better lunch Better dances. (Gym) Roller Skating.Gym (Gym) Biking. Arts classes.
Lockers You have to lockers 1 locker for gymgym 1 locker for all your stuff (main locker). Each has a code of 3 numbers. All your stuff goes into your main locker.
Gym For 7 th grade your gym class is on B days. For 8 th grade your gym class is on A days. A/B days. You must bring appropriate clothes like shorts and t-shirts. Your lock is portable. Different in school sports. Roller skating/bicycle riding.
Sports Each sport has different seasons. Etc.
A/B days “A” days are arts class for 7 th grade. “B” days are gym and health class for 7 th grade. Other way around for 8 th grade. A B
Food. 3 lines Cold line (sandwiches) Hot line (random) Pizza line. Liter juices.
Arts classes Art Computers Tech ed. Family consumer science Careers Music Art.
Our class.