Progress and plans for PPM in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Fifth PPM Subgroup Meeting June, Cairo
Regional PPM Progress Out of 22 countries in the region, 6 countries started PPM systematically doing NSA, establishing task forces for PPM, designating PPM focal point at central level, and developing guidelines including task table.
Other countries have sporadic PPM activities mainly in the public sector, prisons, health insurance and academia. 7 countries will start PPM systematically during Regional PPM Progress
It was agreed in the region that all countries will submit quarterly report on case finding identifying the source of the patient (self, community, public, private, other) Regional PPM Progress
Web based quarterly report
Quarterly report Q3 2007
PPM coverage chart
PPM activities in priority countries Priority countriesNational Situation assessment conducted PPM focal person appointed PPM Operational guidelines developed AfghanistanDoneYes EgyptDoneYes LebanonNAYesWith in the NTP manual PakistanDoneYes SomaliaDoneYesdraft SyriaDoneYesdraft SudanDraftYesIn progress YemenDoneyesIn progress
Afghanistan Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersYesNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet
Egypt Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorYesNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersNoNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Lebanon Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersYesNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Pakistan Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersYesNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Somalia Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNONot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersYesNot yet Private laboratoriesNoNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Sudan Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsNot yet Informal providersNoNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Syria Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersNoNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
Yemen Provider groupInvolvement (Please mention yes or no or level of involvement) Contribution (Please provide available data on contribution of different PPM providers ) Professional associations YesNot yet Corporate SectorNot yet HospitalsYesNot yet Informal providersNoNot yet Private laboratoriesNot yet Private clinicsYesNot yet
PPM notification
Pulmonary smear positive cases Q country Self, Ne w ss + Community,N ew ss + Public, New ss + Private, New ss + Others, ss+ Djibouti Egypt Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Somalia Syrian Arab Republic West Bank and Gaza Strip Yemen
Regional Priorities Finalize NSA for the remaining countries by Q (training workshop) Establish task forces and focal points for PPM by mid Start piloting during 2009 and discuss results by end of Expand the current pilot sites to cover the whole country during Enhance documentation including rcording reporting for PPM
Afghanistan Plans for PPM Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Egypt Plans for PPM Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Pakistan Plans for PPM Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Somalia Plans for PPM Finalize guidelines. Implement pilot sites Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Sudan Plans for PPM Finalize NSA and guidelines. Implement pilot sites Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Syria Plans for PPM Finalize guidelines. Implement pilot sites Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)
Yemen Plans for PPM Finalize guidelines. Implement pilot sites Evaluate the results of the pilot sites. Document PPM success stories. Expand PPM sites (xxxx)