Junior Planning Lynette AlgerStudents with last name A-H Dana HennStudents with last name I-R James BettcherStudents with last name S-Z Brenda DeLeoGuidance Secretary
Highlight the career readiness milestones Review graduation & college entrance requirements Discuss the post-secondary selection process Meeting Objectives: We Will Introduce the Naviance computer program University of MN entrance requirements
have an understanding of what a student needs to know regarding post-secondary plans and have the resources available to accomplish the task. I Will
Junior Year Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. June Start of school Retake the ACT? Narrow post- secondary options Prepare for ACT Select senior courses based on after high school plans Review Interest Inventory results (Naviance) Begin to identify post- secondary options Meet with recruiters and college representatives Take the ACT at WHS
Next Year Already!!! Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. June Start of School Graduation! Local Scholarships Financial aid meeting (Jan/Feb) F.A.F.S.A. completed Application(s) (Thanksgiving) Take/retake admission test (ACT) Acceptance letters received Room/board forms FAFSA results
Four-year Colleges: General Guide for Admission 4 years English 3 years Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra years Social Studies: Civics, U. S. History, Geography 3 years Science: 1 year physical science (grade 9) 1 year biology (10th grade) 1 year lab Chemistry/Physics (11 th grade) 2 years Foreign language: must be in a single language Placement test: ACT (or in some cases, SAT) required
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Duluth, Rochester and Morris 4 years English 4 years Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra years Social Studies: Civics, U. S. History, Geography 3 years Science: 1 year physical science (grade 9) 1 year biology (10th grade) 1 year lab Chemistry/Physics (11th grade) 2 years Foreign language: must be in a single language Placement test: ACT required
Two-year schools High school diploma (or equivalent) Accuplacer test required (Most times not the ACT, check with school) Specific high school curriculum according to specific degrees/disciplines (example: a cosmetology program may require chemistry; a vet tech. program may require algebra 2.)
What’s In An Application? Application Application fee Counselor Report Form (some require, some do not) Senior schedule (either on application or download from Infinite Campus) Letters of recommendation (some require, some do not) Official Transcript Through Parchment ( or SendEduwww.parchment.com ACT Scores (You may have already sent them. Otherwise ** Most colleges will notify you with an admittance decision within 4 weeks.
NEED AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT? Just go online: HERE'S HOW 1. Logon to Secure Transcript at 2. Setup Account – You’ll need an address 3. Select Destination – colleges, NCAA, etc. 4. Pay Online - A small fee is required per transcript.
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