Welcome to American-Bath Wastewater Treatment Plant
Michael J. Agin, Superintendent
Kim Riddell, Chief Plant Operator
Bill Griffin & Dan Mathewson Plant Operators
Central Process Control Lab Performs laboratory analysis for all the county Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Raw Building The Raw Building houses influent screening equipment.
Influent Influent, or raw wastewater, is pumped into open channels in the raw building.
The Raw Screen removes debris from the waste stream prior to entering the Oxidation Ditch. Raw Screen The Raw Screen removes debris from the waste stream prior to entering the Oxidation Ditch.
Oxidation Ditch The Oxidation Ditch allows proper conditions for biological treatment.
Aerator The Aerator entrains oxygen to create the proper conditions for treatment.
Oxidation Ditch Outfall The Oxidation Ditch Outfall regulates the flow from the ditch.
Final Tank #1 The Final Tank allows the solids to settle to the bottom and the effluent to overflow weirs for further treatment.
Final Tank #2 The Final Tank #2 is a duplication of Final Tank #1, they can be run individually or parallel.
Ultraviolet Disinfection Channel The Ultraviolet Disinfection Channel contains the Parshall flume for flow measurement, and regulates flow to submerse the Ultraviolet Disinfections Lights.
Ultraviolet Disinfection Lights The Ultraviolet Disinfection Lights eliminate bacteria.
Return Pump Building The Return Pump Building houses the Return and Waste Pumps.
Return & Waste Pumps The Return and Waste Pumps return solids from the bottom of the Final Tanks to the Oxidation Ditch or to the Aerobic Digester.
Sludge Building The Sludge Building houses the Sludge Pumps, Gravity Thickner Belt, Generator, Non-Potable Water Supply and Blowers.
Sludge Pumps The Sludge Pumps transfer solids from Aerobic Digestion to the Gravity Thickener Belt, from the Gravity Thickener Belt to the Sludge Storage Tank, and from the Sludge Storage Tank to the truck loading station.
Gravity Thickener Belt The Gravity Thickener Belt thickens aerobically digested sludge from 2% to approximately 6% solids.
Generator The Generator supplies emergency power to maintain treatment.
Non-Potable Water Supply The Non-Potable Water Supply provides processed water for the treatment plant.
Blowers For Aerobic Digestion The Blowers for Aerobic Digestion provide oxygen for bacteria that stabilizes the solids.
Aerobic Digester The Aerobic Digester provides the conditions for sludge stabilization.
South View
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