Emergency Medicine terminology
ambu bag equipment for providing manual respiration
anisocoria unequal size of the pupils
buccal mucosal bleeding time evaluates platelet function
capillary refill time measure of perfusion
cardiogenic shock inadequate circulation due to primary failure of ventricles
chemosis edema of the conjunctiva
distended enlargement or ballooning
dyspnea difficulty breathing
dystocia difficult birth
ecchymosis bruises larger than 2 cm
echinocytes crenated RBC’s that have multiple spicule appearing projections
flail chest freely movable segment of chest wall caused by segmental fracture of 2 or more ribs
hemostasis complex process which causes bleeding to stop (clotting)
hypovolemic shock decreased blood volume and plasma
hypoxia lack of oxygen
obtunded mentally dull....due to injury
occlude stop, close up or obstruct
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum (abdominal cavity lining)
petechiae small pinpoint hemorrhages: less than 1 mm
pneumothorax collection of air in pleural cavity
pulse deficit condition where audible heartbeat is not accompanied by palpable pulse
pulse oximeter instrument used to measure the o2 status of hemoglobin
pyometra accumulation of purulent material within the uterus
septic shock decreased tissue perfusion and o2 delivery as a result of sepsis
sepsis whole body inflammatory state
shock condition of decreased perfusion and o2 delivery to vital organs
sphygmomanometer blood pressure meter
tourniquet constricting device used to control venous and arterial circulation to an extremity
triage systematic method of assessment used to identify treatment priorities during crisis situations
Systemic approach to triage
respiratory system determine patency of airway stridor/stertor distress with inspiration breathing rate effort dyspnea
central nervous system gait, behavior muscle twitching head trauma nystagmus head tilt
cardiovascular system mucous membrane crt pulse rate pulse quality
renal system abdominal palpation
life threatening wounds chest wounds upper airway wounds abdominal wounds affecting major blood vessels