Municipalities:12 Mandals:37 Gram Panchayats: 762 Habitations:1499 Population: Literacy Rate:66.16; M:75.26;F: Sex ratio:1000:941 Educational Divisions: 3- Saroornagar, Malkajgiri,Vikarabad School Complexes:193 Model Cluster Schools:200 RANGAREDDYRANGAREDDY
Total number of Habitati ons Access Primary % of coverag e Access Upper Primary % of coverag e Habitations covered by Primary EGS/AI E (P) Total Upper Primary EGS/AI E (UP) Total % % PRESENT SCENARIO: Primary Access : Out of 1499 habitations 1448, Habitations are having Primary Schools with in the radius of 1 km. In 51 habitations EGS centers were established in the year and are functioning. GAP: 51 habitations Strategies : 1) 37 Identified EGS centres will be upgraded to regular schools 2) 590 children from 14 habitations will be provided with transportation facility. Upper Primary: All the 1499 habitations are covered with an Upper Primary School within a radius of 3 km. Hence, no gap.
Age Group BoysGirlsTotalSCSTMin Gender gap(all) Total No social category gap is observed in the district. Gender gap is also less. The enrolment in minority category is less when compared to others. The enrolment in 6-11 age group is higher than that in age group. Gender gap is higher in age group(0.05) than in 6-11 age group (0.03) Enrolment Percentage
Age Group BoysGirlsTotal% Boys% GirlsTotal Total Highest OSC(100+) is observed in 3 Urban mandals - (Qutbullapur (154), Balnagar (137),Malkajgiri,(121)) and 4 Rural -, Doma, Gandeed (153), Yalal(112), Basheerabad(103). The OSC number is likely to increase due to the incidence of high in migration into the urban mandals of the district. Separate strategies are planned for such children.
Progress Overview: Approved Budget Achievement so farProposed Budget PhysicalFinancePhysicalFinancePhysicalFinance GAPS 24 Spl. Training Centres were established,96 work site schools were established for Migrant children,10 Brick klin site schools were established for Orissa migrant children. 7462 OSC children were identified and 4236 OSc children mainstreamed. 24 out of 36 approved RSTCs with 1029 children were running. Problems Out of 36 proposals only 24 were commissioned with the help of NGOs. Migration- In and Out Earning Compulsion Social taboos,and parental reluctance Language problem for in-migrants from Maharashtra, Karnataka,Orissa.
Strategies proposed for Direct Enrolment into regular schools through Badi bata, Invoving AMCs, community members,NGOs etc Opening of RSTC and NSTC for out of school children Engaging Mobilisers to enrol urban in-migrants into RSTC and NSTCs. Constitution of Special teams involving SHGs and local officers for enrolment of girls in Doma (223) Gandeed(197),Yalal(181) and Tandur(148) where high number of OSC girls is observed. Community Mobilisation through Kalajathas, door to door campaign etc. in rural mandals. Mobile Schools on wheels(2) for urban deprived and Urban slums at BalaNagar and Sherlingampally Mandals. Data Bank: Maintenance of data bank of in-migrant children in Urban mandals.
Education of migrant children For incoming Migrants Centers for children pertaining to Orissa Brick kiln Industry children for 150 centers = (3000) ( AS per Aid et Action survey) Work site schools (At industrial sites) 10 children per center = (200) Work site schools (At building construction sites and other Sites, Slums.) 150 children per center =(3000) ( AS per Aid et Action survey) 1. Mobile Schools for children pertaining street children, rag pickers 9 children per center =(180) For Inschool children Out going Migrants Seasonal Hostels 20 children per center = (1000)
Retenti on Rate GERNERDrop Out(CO HORT) Repetiti on PS UPS Retention is higher in Upper Primary level than in Primary. GER is low in Primary and high in Upper Primary stage. NER is higher in Primary level than in Upper Primary. Drop Out and Repetition rate is high in Primary Level than in Upper Primary Level.
Children dropping out from schools due to sibling care, house hold work in Bala Nagar, Sherlingampally mandals. Tribal habitations like Kulkacherla, doma, Gandeed Yalal, Basheeerabad etc. due to Socio-Cultural barriers, parents are not willing to send their children to schools specially girl children. Parents Illiteracy. Earning Compulsion Changing residences frequently in urban mandals.
Vocational Skills to retain girls in schools. Follow up teams of Balika Sabhikara sanghas to pursue girl child issues, Engaging Mobilisers to track the migrant and long absentees. Providing transport facility to prevent drop outs. Collaborating with different NGOs for providing child friendly facilities like TLM, furniture, games equipment etc Mobile Science labs and other quality improvement programmes. Sports, games, literary competitions at mandal, division and district level. Proposed two sets of Uniforms, Note Books, School Bags etc.,
Group BaselineQuarterlyImprovement % Boys%Girls%Total%Boys%Girls%Total%Boys%Girls%Total% A B C BoysGirls Gender Gap There is 7.17% of improvement in quality from baseline to Quarterly exam. Girls fared well both in baseline and quarterly.
Progress Overview Training to 111 MRPs in April, 10 day training to 2120 Primary & 6 days 1033 UP teachers on LEP & Snehabala. 3 day training to 193 SCHMs secretaries and 103 UP Complexes are constituted. 3 day training to all Urdu, Telugu Vounteers in Oct, 12 day Computer training to 180 Primary & UP teachers. 5 day training to 1233 Primary & 733 UP and 6 day training to 49 Urdu teachers of DSC 2008 Bi-monthly review meetings to MRPs and MEOs 2941 VVs are in position. Implementing the IRI Programme. 1 Mobile Science Labs are operating for improving scientific temperament among children Balala Sanghalu on 4 Committees were started and given training to teachers and students to inculcate value system. Total Sanitation programme is being implemented in all school.
Capacity building of Monitoring Personnel of DRCs, SCs, MRCs and DIET. Implementation of performance indicators at system level and fixing responsibility. Conducting external evaluation studies Talent Search Programmes and melas Readiness programme to facilitate transition from Primary to UP level. MINORITY EDUCATION Effective implementation of LEP in Urdu Medium Schools. Development of Urdu Resource Groups Strengthening of Urdu School Complexes Extension of support to 11 more Madrasas (in addition to 26). Achieving 100% Enrolment in minority KGBVs.
Need based teacher trainings Special training in English Training on Class III SLIM cards. Orientation on Language, Maths and Science kits. Orientation on State Curriculum Framwork Orientation on New Assessment Procedures, school readiness programmes etc.
SL. No Type of Grant Unit Cost Rs. Target for Achievement during Proposed Budget for Phy Fin in Rs. Lakhs Phy Fin in Rs. Lakhs Phy Fin in Rs. Lakhs 1 Teacher Grant School Grant M.Grant MRC Grant CRC Grant All grants were released. Guidelines were communicated well in advance for optimum utilization of grants.
Monitoring : Monitored the progress of Schools by Sectoral Officers DyEOs, DIET staff and State Observers,observed the Conduct of AMCs Proposed to conduct intensive monitoring in all schools with DRG members on LEP, Implementation of Innovative Activities in a fixed time frame of 3 months. Proposed to identify Mandal Resource Group to deal with quality related problems. Strengthening of online monitoring- AMCs, attendance, child tracking etc
CAL: 122 Schools were covered under CAL programme for the benefit of children. 245 teachers trained under CAL. Rs.50 lakhs were released to APTS for supply of Computers to 50 UP Schools Proposed Activities: 50 schools shall be supplied with comupters in Proposed to provide educational CDs to the schools covered under CAL.
Approved Budget Achievement so farProposed Budget PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancePhysicalFinance Progress Overview: Barrier free access to 113 schools and 37 IERCS Existing toilets of 37 schools are upgraded to CWSN friendly toilets. lakhs released to 37 IERC centres for constructing CWSN friendly toilets. 80 RTs are in position 3 Divisional Assessment Camps conducted by ALIMCO; 458 children are identified. Monthly Physiotherapy camps are being conducted at MRC level, benefitting 600 children every month. Eye Screening camps conducted in convergence with District Blind Society.
Activities proposed for : Construction of Ramps in 150 schools with highest number of CWSN. Upgrading toilets in 75 schools. Conducting Corrective Surgeries Conducting medical camps and facilitating the issue of medical certificates. Conduct of Speech Therapy Camps along with Physio therapy camps. Engaging 20 IERTs, in addition to the exixting 80.
Interventions in : Computer Education lakhs to APTS Girls Education ECE SC/ST Education Urban Deprived
Progress Overview: Spoken English course in 40 High schools of 12 mandals in convergence with Andhra mahila Sabha and Dr Reddy’s Foundation girls benefitted. Meena Campaign in mandals with highest OSC girls- Serilingampalli, Doma, Gandeed, Uppal,etc. Desk Top Publishing as a vocational Skill 24 schools, in convergence with AMS. Balakendras to impart Fine Arts and Martail Arts- Ghatkesar, Moinabad,Yacharam, Tandur, Maheshwaram, Shamshabad. Sanctined Amount Expenditure incurred % of expenditure %
Activities Proposed for : Extension of Balika Sadhikara Sanghas to non NPEGEL Mandals. Martial Arts in 24 High Schools Vocational Education in 24 schools with NIFT trained instructors. Establishing balakendras in one more mandal as centres to impart Vocational skills, Fine Arts and Martial Arts to Girls. Qualified instructors from BKs would impart the skills in schools in Shamirpet as per time table from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM. S.NoActivityUnit CostPhyFin 1BSS Martial Arts Programme Vocational Education Balakendra
Progress Overview: No. of ECE centres functioning: 106 No. of Children Enrolled: 3829 No. of children relieved from sibling care: 678 No. of children enrolled into class I from ECE: 2772 (100%) Activities proposed for : No. of ECE Centres proposed: 20 (At Gandeed, Doma, Uppal, Yalal etc) as the no. of Anganwadi Centres sanctioned increased from 1929 to 2522; covering Serilingampally and Balanagar also. So, only 20 ECE centres are proposed this year.
Progress Overview: Work Books and Study Material was distributed to SC / ST students. Provided Note Books, Workbooks and Study material for SC / ST students Activities proposed for : Not proposed.
2 Transit homes opened at Uppal. Supporting Helpline and Help Desk Activities of WD&CW Dept.(1098) Survey to identify Urban Deprived Children. Proposed: Continuing support to Transit homes and Engaging mobilisers Tracking migrant children with the help of mobilisers.
Bal kendra is an innovative initiative of Ranga Reddy District Administration for imparting fine arts, martial arts and certain vocational skills to rural children at a nominal fee. As a centre for SSA activities Children as the living medium for community mobilisation. As a centre for community participation. Activities at Balakendra: Martial Arts- to equip them with self defense mechanisms. Fine Arts- To enable them express their emotions in a meaningful and healthy manner, as a choice of vocation, as a joyful activity. Vocational Skills- To give the children a sense of economic security and independence, thus boosting their self esteem. Present Status: Functioning in 6 mandals 842 children enrolled presently. Overwhelming response from children is observed.
Existing: 6 New:2 No. of BKs Unit cost- SSA Share Unit cost- Mandal Share TotalTotal for 6- SSA share Existing BKs New BKs Total
Sanctioned Amount Expenditure incurred% of expenditure % No. of EBBS in the district: 25 No. of MCS: 200 No. of girls covered under NPEGEL: girls(48.5% of total number of girls in the district) No. of MCS Primary Schools UP Schools High Schools Total Particulars of Attached Schools: Expenditure Details:
Progress Overview: Vocational Education: July 2010 to September 2010, in 200 MCS & 400 attached schools. Trades: Fashion Designing, Embroidery, Spiral binding, Preparation of soft toys, bags, artificial flowers, door mats, purses, decorative items, natural flower bouquets etc. No. of Vocational instructors trained:132 at DMSVK, Chilkur. NIFT: 45 from 28 th February. Mela- mandal level proposed from 9 th to 12 th Feb,2011 Spoken English: In 200 MCS, in convergence with PRATHAM organisation, benefitting 8000 girls. Martial Arts Programme: In 400 schools in convergence with Taekwando Association and Budokhan Karate Assosiation Balika Sadhikara Sangham: In 200 High Schools, in convergence with Prajwala Organisation, covering approximately 38,000 girls.
Continuation of Balika Sadhikara Sanghas Continuation of Martial Arts Programme Vocational skills to be imparted- Fashion Designing, Decorative items, Jute items, Spiral binding, DTP, Embroidery, bakery and Confectionery. Inclusion of marketing and financial management under vocational education(10 classes atleast) Continuation of Spoken English in convergence with Pratham.
Progress Over View : Organized Badibata Programme Orientation Programme was conducted on Right to Education Act’2009. Organised 7 AMC meetings to develop the ownership of community.
Organising Orientation Programme for Community 4 from each habitation. Organising Orientation Programme for 2 from each school on SSA activities and on Right to Education Act. Organising Badibata Programme to bring all OS Children into schools. Organising Orientation at Mandal Level Public Representatives on Right to Education Act. Conducting AMC meetings every month.
Progress Overview: 52 ACRs completed and 154 slab laid and nearing completion, out of 563 sanctioned. 138 girls toilets completed as against 754 sanctioned. 45 common toilets completed as against 371 sanctioned. Drinking water facility provided in all the 82 schools proposed. Proposed Activities for : ACRs requred:2665 Toilets:Common:2207; Girls:1650. Water Facility: 405 schools
Progress Overview: Workshop on Action research to be conducted from 8 th to 10 th February,2011. Two district specific studies are undertaken by DIET. 1.Comprehensive study on availability of educational facilities to children of in migrant parents in urban mandals of RR district. 2.Analysis of training needs of primary teachers.
Findings of DIET study on Educational facilities to children of In migrant parents in Urban mandals: Sample:90 schools; 380 in-migrant families Primary enrolment in govt. schools is drastically decreased over the period of 5 yrs( ). 56-77% of children enrolled in govt.schools are from in migrant families. Academic performance of migrant children is better than that of non migrant children. 25% of schools are with less that 5 class rooms. 75% of schools do not have girls toilets. 45% of children from in migrant families are Out of school. Childrens academic performance in below 50% in telugu and maths 20-30% of children are long absentees.
Activities proposed for : Conduct of workshop for Teachers / DRPs MRPs on Small Scale Research. Studies on interventions of SSA- a) Printing of Handbook on Action Research. Monitoring and Supervision of Schools / RBCCs / ECE Centres etc. Printing of Modules / Workbooks on modified pedagogical strategies.
Progress Overview: No. of KGBVs sanctioned prior to 2011 and presently functioning : 14. No. of KGBVs newly sanctioned and in the process of operationalisation: 12 No. of girls enrolled:1918; gap:197. Activities taken up: Balika sadhikara sanghas formed in 14 KGBVs Martial arts programmed taken up in 14 KGBVs. Capacity building of S.Os and all teachers.
S.NoNAME OF THE MANDAL LOCATIONENROLLMENTOSC girls in th mandal SPECIAL OFFICER’S NAME 1Chevella 2310 D.Narsimha Rao, ExM.E.O 2Bantwaram 011 Rathnam LFL HM Noorullapur 3Maheswaram 0 14 Narsimha Reddy M.E.O 4MominpetChandrayanpalli3029Narayan Reddy 5Nawabpet 010 Anantha reddy M.E.O 6PargiNaskal037 Prabhu Lingam M.E.O 7Shabad 00L.Aruna 8Shankarpalli 09T.Narsappa 9YacharamThakkellapalli47 Jangayya HM, C.P.S Nacharam 10Ibrahimpatnam 44 Sita Ramayya Ex M.E.O 11MoinabadHimayath Nagar01MEO 12TandurNot yet identified090MEO
Bala kendras Balika Sadhikara Sanghas. Work site schools Support to special schools. Support to mobile school (school on wheels) for street children, rag pickers etc.