TIER I SESSION II: INITIAL TEAM TRAINING Presented by the MBI Consultants Workbook pp Module 6: Establishing Procedures for Office Managed Behaviors and Data Collection 2015
Critical Components Commit to a common purpose and approach to discipline—creating a safe and welcoming culture that includes student voice and family/community involvement Establish and maintain team… with administrator support, participation and leadership Establish a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors Establish procedures for teaching expected behavior Establish a continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behaviors Establish a continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviors Establish a system for using data to make decisions, progress monitor, and problem-solve
Big Ideas Reduce use of exclusionary and punitive strategies and increase a sense of purpose and engagement + Proactive not reactive Prosocial environment supports student engagement + First response is instructional = LIMIT LOSS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TIME
Time cost of a discipline referral
Establishing Procedures for Office Managed Behaviors and Data Collection Define problem behaviors (Office Managed Behavior ) Create a referral form Collect Data Teach staff
Step 1 Define Problem Behavior (Office Managed Behavior)
A reason to define problem behaviors…
Activity Pass the Buck.
Don’t Forget Ensure the student’s misbehavior is not a direct result of their inability to access the curriculum.
Activity Review the definitions of “Major Problems” described in your workbook. With you elbow partner discuss what concerns would you have if any? Workbook pp.31-34
Step 2 Construct Office Referral Form as a Foundation for Meaningful Data-Collections
Data must be meaningful to staff… …and here’s a chart that shows what you might see if you looked at a mountain range through a tennis racket
Office Discipline Referrals Measure of overall environment & how we are doing ODR’s show where to focus/invest energy & time It’s available
The BIG 5 Questions about Problem Behaviors 1. How often do problem behaviors occur? 2. What types of problem behaviors are occurring? 3. Where are the problems occurring? 4. When are the problems occurring? 5. Who are the students generating the problems?
Workbook pp
Using ODR’s Your goal - collect data from your school’s database and Office Discipline Referrals Basis for problem solving and measuring intervention effectiveness
Tool: Big 5 Generator Excel spreadsheet – Advanced Tier Spreadsheet Manual – Google ‘big 5 generator pbis” Data presented as the BIG 5: Per Day graphic Behavior graphic Location graphic Time graphic By Student graphic
Tool: School Wide Information System (SWIS) A Web-Based System Referrals By Staff Motivation for Referral Others Involved In Referral Administrative Decision Suspension/Expulsion Reports Ethnicity Enrollment and Reports Individual Student Reports Days Suspended/Expelled Student’s IEP Status Ability to Copy Data to Next Referral Custom Reports Custom Graphs PBISApps
Custom Graphs: Average Referrals Per Day Per Month
PROBLEM-SOLVING BEGINS Problem – Difference between expected/desired student behavior & current student behavior Is there a difference between your school’s average and the national median? Is there a difference between this year and previous years ? WHY are some students not successful?
Step 4 Teach Staff
NO YES Sample Referral Process Does student have three? Send referral to office Observe problem behavior Is behavior Major? Ensure Safety Write referral Send/escort to office Problem solve Determine consequence Follow procedures documented Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Follow procedures documented Find a place to talk with the student File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
Activity: With your team, review your current office discipline referral form. Does it include the “Big 5”? How does it need to be revised? Who will be responsible for completing the revision? How will you train staff on office-managed behaviors and their role in discipline referral? How will you start collecting Big 5 data?