Integrated Relationship Marketing Strategies in the Millennium
We are living in a time that has variously been called Information age Knowledge economy, and Age of discontinuity Continuous improvement is being applied more to processes than products
The add-on selling organisation focuses on cross selling expertise, effective communication of its offerings and their benefits to consumers development of a coherent brand personality that can reach across multiple offerings careful management of the offering portfolio
Building a customer base and brand equity is a long-run process of raising awareness, inducing trial and usage as a precursor to gain customer loyalty, and then tightening the relationship
Identifying the customer Identifying customer needs and expectations Measurement of customer satisfaction level, and Developing an improvement plan STRATEGY OF IMPROVING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP THE FOUR STEP PROCESS
FOUR SUB-STEPS IN DEVELOPING AN IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gap analysis matrix Complaint handling system Preventing recurrence of problems Appraisal of employees
It is essential that people at all management levels should commit to a single overriding purpose for the business to create a satisfied and loyal customer by delivering superior value The process of relationship building and loyalty management begins with the market targeting decision Contd..
The company’s mission statement should incorporate the overall definition of customer relationship focus and value Building and managing brand equity is a key part of building customer relationship and managing customer loyalty Marketing is no longer a separate management function, but a market-focused leadership for creating superior customer value and profitability such as adoption of CRM, innovation management and value chain management