Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Rural Development: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Giulia Barbanente – Erasmus University of Rotterdam Emma Aisbett – University of Hamburg
Background: Large-scale land acquisitions Land transfer to foreign investors with area over 200 ha food price crisis Food and energy security Africa first continent for land acquired
Background: Land tenure in Sub-Saharan Africa 10% Formal rural property rights Customary land rights systems (communal) Potential conflict with foreign investors Regulatory measures: Land titling/certification
Theoretical Framework(s): The enclosure movement (Cohen and Weitzman, 1975) Evolutionary theory of property rights (Platteau, 1996) A welfare enhancing framework (Deininger et al. 2011)
Ethiopia Property rights setting The constitution Certification reform Promotion of land acquisitions Land bank Financial incentives for investors Standardized contracts The case of Gambella Top recipient of land acquisitions in Ethiopia 32% of the region ‘suitable for investment’ Displacement of indigenous populations Contracts of land acquisition...
Contracts of land acquisition (i) Analysis of three contracts for land acquisition in Gambella ( ) Cotton and soya production Signatories: Ministry of agriculture and foreign investors (India and Turkey nationals)
Contracts of land acquisition Low price of land 3-year grace period before payment 25 year contract with renewal option ‘Full and exclusive use’ of land to the investor Vague environmental requirements Rural populations or subnational/regional authorities not mentioned in the contract
The dataset: sources Land Matrix land acquisitions Year of signature of the contract Location (regional level) Size of land acquired (hectares) Nationality of the acquirer LSMS-ISA rural development 4,000 households in rural Ethiopia Two rounds of interview: 2011 and 2013 Ethiopian National Statistical Agency
Variables Dependent variables at the household level Field: Area (hectares) Value of field if rented to 3d party(Birr) Certification (y/n) Credit access: Loans obtained (y/n) Value of loans obtained (Birr) Household expenditure: food expenditure in the past 7 days Non-food expenditure in the past year Work: Agricultural work (hrs/w) Other work (hrs/w) Wage work (hrs/w) Control variables: household size, gender and education, distance from market, elevation and annual precipitation
Econometric approach Gambella and Benishangul-Gumuz: ‘treatment’ regions Matching with Coarsened Exact Matching Dependent variable: outcome of each variable in 2013 in the treatment regions relative to the outcome in the other regions value as control Results with and without geographic controls Quantile regressions applied to the matched data to investigate distributional implications
Results Outcomes in regions with substantial land acquisitions since 2010 relative to the other regions: weighted least squares (SATT) estimated for matched samples
Results Outcomes in regions with substantial land acquisitions since 2010 comparison to other regions: 25 th percentile estimates for matched sample
Results Outcomes in regions with substantial land acquisitions since 2010 comparison to other regions: 75th %ile estimates for matched sample
Conclusion Centrality of Ethiopian property rights system in attracting land acquisitions In Gambella indigenous populations are displaced while the region is at the center of the Ethiopian policy to attract foreign investors Standardized contracts offer favorable conditions to foreign investors Quantitative results show significant decrease in average field area, number of certificates, land value and agricultural work in Gambella and Benishangul Decrease in field area and higher food expenditure strongest in the 25 th percentile, increased non-food expenditure and lower agricultural work for the 75 th percentile
Way forward Strengthening institutional framework for Ethiopia Improve explanation of empirical section Better connect results to the theory Extend quantitative research to other countries for comparative perspective
Thank you
Preliminary observations: land area Average 25 percentile 75 percentile
Preliminary observations: land value Average 25 percentile 75 percentile
Preliminary observations: household expenditure Average 25 percentile 75 percentile
Preliminary observations: agricultural work Average 25 percentile 75 percentile
Preliminary observations: agricultural work Average 25 percentile 75 percentile