ESTONIA Area: km2 Total population: 1,347,510 Population density: 30 people per km² Educational institutions: 1554
ESTONIAN EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE 4 Levels: Pre-primary education Basic education Secondary education Higher education
CURRICULA Individual Education Plan (IEP) Framework Curriculum for Pre-primary Education National Curricula The National Curriculum for Upper Secondary Schools The National Curriculum for Simplified basic education The National Curriculum for Basic Schools
EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Counselling and Special Assistance Centre Sends to special kindergarten CSAC sends to special school Sends to mainstream school
HISTORY 1981 kindergarten for non-disabled children several groups for children with special needs were opened 1995 a primary school for children with special needs was added 2006 a basic secondary school was launched
LAAGNA NURSERY-BASIC SCHOOL OF TALLINN Laagna school Nursery Basic school Special groupsIntegrated groups Regular groups Speech problems Autistic groupPhysical desability
OUR SCHOOL For students between 1,5-17 There are 170 pupils in our school: 132 children are in kindergarten and 38 in school.
OUR MOTTO Together getting better every day
OUR STAFF Staff includes 64 people 3 deputy heads 36 teachers 25 specialists and assistants
TEAM OF SPECIALISTS OF DEVELOPING Occupational therapist Teacher Assistance Speech Therapist Physiotherapist Doctor Head Teacher/ Deputy Head Teacher
INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLAN (IEP) Motor skills Cognitive skills Communicative skills Social skills Self-help skills
INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOL 3.Implementation 4.Monitoring 5.Final assessment 1.Assessment 2.Planning Work of team of specialists of developing
INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOL Adaption in Routines Health care routines Mealtime and snack Toileting issues Playground participation
INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOL Environmental Adaption Routes for movement Positioning Equipment
INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOL Different learning methods We use different learning methods, which correspond individual needs of the child.
INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOL Social Interaction Well established links with local institutions
QUALITY AWARDS Good Management Good Learning Environment Good Extra-Curricular Programmes Good Teacher
QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT Annual evaluation of school principals: Strategic management Staff management Administration of study and behavioural processes Financial and public administration Public relations and partnership management
QUALITY EVALUATION IN OUR SCHOOL AREAS TO BE EVALUATED Leadership and management Human resource management Cooperation with stakeholders Resource management Teaching and learning process
QUALITY EVALUATION IN OUR SCHOOL Every staff member is involved Electronic form Four times a year The annual review once a year Statistical data is added once a year
OUR STRENGTHS Every child is matter Right structure Professional team Cooperation with other organisations Cooperation inside the school Environment
OUR ACHIEVEMENTS Friendly and secure learning/ working environment Pupil teacher ratio is almost one to one Individual program for every child School as a base of apprenticeship for students of medicine, social work and education.
CHALLENGES Evaluation is targeted at Headmaster level Teachers do not understand their role as a school developer Lack of knowledge, methodical material Hopes for a universal and “ready-to-use” solution The pupils’ development is seen only through academic performance
We are promoting happy learning environment where every child is challenged to achieve his/her full potential.