Lithuanian Schools’ governing bodies Irena Marcinkevičienė, The Head of Culture, Education and Sports Department of Kaunas Region, Lithuania 14 / 12 / 2015
2321 km 2892 km SPAIN Basque Country
Responsibility for Education in Lithuania Ministry of Education and Science Pre-school Institutions 733 General Education Schools 1192 Non-formal Education Schools 361 Vocational Education Schools 89 Colleges 23 Universities 22 Local Governments 60 Municipalities 60 Departments of Education
Structure of Culture, Education and Sport Department of Kaunas Region Municipality Culture,Education and Sport Department Economy SportEducation Finance Culture Educational Center
Kaunas Region Educational Institutions SchoolNumberAgeForm A-Nursery School26 (6 private)0-6 A+B-Nursery-Primary School C-Low Secondary School: Progymnasium (B+C) Basic School (B+C) Basic School (A+B+C) D-High Secondary School: Gymnasium Gymnasium (C+D) Gymnasium (B+C+D) Gymnasium (A+B+C+D) Ig-IVg (9-12) Sanatorium School Non-formal Education School3all Overall58
HEADMASTE R Head of Education Deputy Director Property Management HEADMASTE R Head of Education Deputy Director Property Management
HEADMASTE R Head of Primary Education Department 34 teachers 23 classes in the 1-4th forms 551 students Head of Basic Education Department 62 teachers 23 classes in the 5-8th forms 641 students Head of Non- formal Education Department 47 teachers 48 groups 731 students 6 Specialists for students‘ support: Psychologist, 2 Social educators, Special needs educator, Speech therapist, Librarian Deputy Director Property Management Head of Secretariat Accountant, Secretary, Personnel specialist, Archivist 24 building maintenance staff Total: 1,192 students. 136 staff: Headmaster, 4 Deputy Directors (Heads of Education), 96 teachers, 35 employees.
HEADMASTE R Head of Education 19 teachers 10 classes in the 1-10th forms 192 students 3 Specialists for students‘ support: Social educator, Speech therapist, Librarian Deputy Director Property Management Secretary, Archivist 9 building maintenance staff Total: 192 students. 33 staff: Headmaster, Head of Education, Deputy Director, 19 teachers, 11 employees.
Requirements for School Leaders To have competence in: Strategic management; Enhansing teachers‘ competences; Educational institutions‘ structure, process and resourses; Cooperation and partnership among educational institutions; Communication and digital skills. To pass the Psychological test about leadership competences.
Head of Education (Deputy Director) Organizes: Educational process (Educational plan, timetable, methodological activity, teachers‘ training, ect.); Non-formal education; Evaluation process, assessment; Standardized tests, exams; Pedagogical psychological support; Carries out prevention programs; Implements pedagogical supervision; Develops projects...
Lithuanian education system Compulsory Year Preprimary Primary Lower sec. (Basic ) High sec. University Nursery - kindergartenGymnasium College Kindergarten Vocational education
National Examinations Center Matura Examinations After 12 Form (18-19 years old) Basic Education Examinations After 10 Form (16-17 years old) Standardized Tests After 4, 8 Form (11-12 and years old)