Mrs. Gault’s Reading Class Welcome!
Welcome to Seventh Grade! I will introduce you to the Reading course guidelines and expectations. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
All About Me My background I grew up in Brownsville. I attended Egly Elementary, Oliveira Jr. High, and Hanna High School. I attended UT-Austin and UTB. My experience I’ve been teaching for 7 years. I have also taught high school, but middle school is my favorite.
My Family My husband Andrew My children Matthew – age 8 Joshua – age 4 Michael – age 1 The Gault Family MatthewJoshuaMichael AndrewMe
My Goals To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to eighth grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help you enjoy reading.
Class Supplies You will need the following on a daily basis: Five-Subject Spiral for Vocabulary & Notes Plastic Folder with pockets Loose-leaf paper Black or Blue pens Library Card
Reading Checkout Textbook AR reading & testing Class Novels Reading aloud
Writing Reader’s Response Library/AR projects Alphabiography Project
Vocabulary Bell Ringer- Vocabulary Journal (Do not Socialize!) Literary Elements Story/Novel vocabulary
Hall Passes UU nless there is an emergency or you have a medical excuse that has been filed with the school’s nurse, you will only receive 2 passes per six weeks to the restroom, nurse, counselor, office, or any other location. DD o not ask to go anywhere the first fifteen minutes of class or the last five minutes of class!
Absentees If you know in advance that you will be absent, talk to me to get your assignment before you go. According to your Student Handbook, you have (1) full day in order to make-up class assignments. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO CHECK THE ASSIGNMENT LIST AND GET WORK UPON RETURN TO CLASS. It is the responsibility of the student to copy notes, vocabulary, and warm-ups from another classmate.
Homework I will assign about 45 minutes of homework every night. This includes 20 minutes of AR reading. Not doing your homework will negatively affect your grades.
Late Work WW ork is due at the beginning of class, otherwise it is late. LL ate work will be accepted for a penalized grade of a 70 only during the first two weeks of any six weeks grading period. WW ork turned-in after two week grace period will be given a starting grade of 50. WW ARNING: No late work is accepted after 5 th week of any grading period. AA R Testing, Major, or Projects will not be accepted after the due date!
Quizzes Always pay attention to readings and study vocabulary. Pop Quizzes may occur. Study Quizzes for Tests!
Tests Tests will be announced ahead of time. Study! YOU are responsible for coming in to Re-Test on specified days.
Academic Honesty You must always do your own work! Do NOT share answers, copy from internet or other sources, or attempt to cheat in any way. Cheating = a zero. No re-tests or make-ups.
Refusal-to-Work Forms Choosing not to work: I always want you to work & will do my best to help you get through an assignment. However, if you choose to not work, you will be asked to complete a Refusal-to-Work form for my records. Remember, something is always better than a zero!
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared.
Class Dismissal The bell DOES NOT dismiss you, I do! Before leaving, all materials must be placed in the appropriate location, trash picked up, desk put back, etc.… Clean-Up! My DESK & PROPERTY are off limits to you, unless I say otherwise.
Need Help? Ask Questions during class. See me during lunch. Come by after school. Don’t wait or hesitate, just ask for help!
Let’s Have a Great Year!