Number 3 Wednesday 12 th October MacMillan Coffee Morning Thank-you to everyone who supported our coffee morning by attending, donating and making cakes etc. We raised £ for this worthwhile cause! Well done to Class 4 for doing a super job running the event. Shakespeare Workshop Class 4 enjoyed a Shakespeare workshop dramatising some classic works. Here they are in action!! Friends of Dean School FODS would like to thank all those who came to the recent James Bond Casino Night. It was certainly a fun night out with a difference! Miss Moneypenny has now added up the winnings and we made just over £300 for school funds. We would especially like to thank Sam Miller and her band, Dean and District Sports Committee for the bar and Louise Mills and her Bond girls and boys who did the food and organising. We'd like ideas as to how we can top this great night with another event so please get your thinking caps on and try to come to the next FODS meeting (details soon). Healthy Tuck Shop Our first few weeks of running our healthy tuck shop has proved popular with our key stage 2 children. We are seeing many more of them enjoying a snack. Children can pay £1 on Monday and tick themselves off on the tuck shop list. If you would like to pay in advance next term’s costs will be £7. Please pay Mrs Harrison. Shoe Box Appeal We are once again supporting the Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal, please find a leaflet with this newsletter. Please can completed shoe boxes be returned to school on Monday 3 1st October (our first day back after half term). Harvest Festival We are supporting our local food bank once again this year. This is a local charity that provides food boxes for people and families in need. We are asking if children could bring ‘store cupboard’ items to school (rice, pasta, long life juice / milk, tinned food etc) on Wednesday 19 th October. We will be having a special assembly on that day to say thank- you for our harvest and to explore how we can help others through the food bank appeal. Thanks