“The Swimmer” (1964) John Cheever
JOHN CHEEVER Born in Quincy, Massachusetts to Frederick and Mary Cheever on May 27 th, Frederick was in the shoe manufacturing business until the 1929 stock market crash when he lost his job and became a serious alcoholic. Cheever’s mother managed to support the family by opening up both a gift shop and a dress shop.
CHEEVER ’ S EDUCATION AND WRITING Formal education ended in 1930 when, at the age of seventeen, he was expelled from the Thayer Academy for smoking and receiving poor grades. This incident inspired him to write his first published story “Expelled.” He mingled with well know figures and ended up working for The New Yorker where he published 119 stories, becoming the second most extensively published short story writer in the magazine’s history.
John Cheever ( ) Married from 1941 until death; struggled with alcoholism; his journals, published in 1991, reveal his bisexuality—double life Known mostly for his portrayals of comfortable middle class suburban New York "Cheever Country:" The characters are good people who begin life with a sense of well-being and order. Later that order and well-being are stripped away and never quite fully restored. Mixes realism and fantasy: realistic stories often become morality tales
HOW HIS LIFE RELATES TO HIS WORK He was best known for his depiction of the emptiness at heart of the so-called American Dream. In 1942 Cheever enlisted in the army where he spent the next four years. As Cheever became more successful, his addiction to alcohol became more serious.
CHEEVER ’ S ALCOHOLISM Drinking had a negative effect on his work and caused friction between him and his peers. He was detoxified twice at Phelps Memorial Hospital before checking himself into Smithers Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in 1975 where he faced a long recovery. He eventually defeated alcoholism and became completely sober. He wrote Falconer in 1977, one of his best works. John Cheever died of cancer on June 18, 1982.
The Swimmer With a long-distance swimming as a means to link up a series of events not closely related, the author unfolds a picture of social manners and morals.
Agenda: Aim: Why does Cheever identify swimming pools with affluence? Check-in: Define “perception” using your own knowledge. Ask for help if you’re confused, but try to use your own words to define this word.
Activity 1: Big Ideas of “The Swimmer” “Perception vs. Choices” “Coming of Age” SGL Big Idea: Gothic fiction is a movement that both connects and distances itself from earlier American literature, as it reflects the darker side of individualism and further questions human connection to self and God/Devil.
Vision vs. Reality “The Swimmer” is on one level a version of “Rip Van Winkle” updated 150 years to the 1960s suburbs of New York Neddy Merrill, like Rip, embarks on a journey away from his family Rip escapes from domestic tyranny, Neddy from seeming domestic happiness “RVW” ends happily, “The Swimmer” tragically
Vision vs. Reality Neddy has three levels of vision Dream Reality Nightmare
Neddy’s Reality (1) What his society is really like: Affluence: money, leisure, swimming pools Marriage/Infidelity: Shirley Adams, ex-mistress Alcohol: “I drank too much last night” (2043); his journey is a series of drinks Social Status: “the rigid and undemocratic realities of their society” (2049) Phoniness: “When Lucinda said that you couldn’t come I thought I’d die” (2045); “Lucinda and I want terribly to see you” (2049).
Neddy’s Reality (2) External View of Neddy as “pitiful”: “Had you gone for a Sunday afternoon ride that day you might have seen him, close to naked, standing on the shoulders of route 424, waiting for a chance to cross” ( ) His society is an automobile culture; to be on foot is to be a fool
Neddy’s Nightmare (1) Welchers: pool dry, house for sale “This breach in his chain of water disappointed him absurdly” “had he so disciplined himself in the repression of unpleasant facts that he had damaged his sense of truth” (2046) Hallorans: “Misfortunes”; “sold house”; “poor children” (2048)
Neddy’s Nightmare (2) Sachses: Eric Sachs’s operation scars: “no navel, no link to birth, this breach in the succession” (2049) Biswangers: “he had suffered some loss of social esteem”; “they went for broke” (2049) Shirley Adams: “I won’t give you another cent” (2050); Neddy climbs ladder out of pool; cries
Neddy’s Nightmare (3) Gilmartins: “Here, for the first time in his life, he did not dive but went down the steps” (2050); Contrast (2044): “He had an inexplicable contempt for men who did not hurl themselves into pools.” Home: “The place was dark.... [T]he place was empty” ( ).
Weather/Climate “a massive stand of cumulus cloud so like a city seen from a distance” (2043) Maple stripped of read and yellow leaves: “sign of autumn” (2046); at Hallorans, “beech hedge was yellow” (2047) “he smelled woodsmoke on the wind” (2048) Constellations of autumn: “Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopeia”
Conclusion: What happened to Neddy Merrill? Psychological journey: Pilgrim to where? Explorer of what? “In the space of an hour, more or less, he had covered a distance that made his return impossible” (2043) Lancaster Public Pool: no identification disk; no identity
Conclusion: What happened to Neddy Merrill? What is real? The slender, happy, youthful family man, or the “miserable, cold, tired, and bewildered” one who loses everything? Possible answer: Both and neither. Possible symbol: Eric Sachs’s abdomen: “no navel, no link to birth, this breach in the succession” (2049); compare to Welcher’s empty pool: “breach in his chain of water”
Conclusion: What happened to Neddy Merrill? Through his journey, Neddy has lost his “link to birth,” and thus has lost: his identity the source of the Lucinda River—the way back to his marriage his place in his family and society, which has depended, to some extent, on dreams and self- deceptions: “repression of unpleasant facts” (2046) his sense of what is real and what is imaginary
Neddy’s Dream (3) Westerhazys Grahams Hammers Lears Howlands Crosscups Bunkers Levys Welchers Lancaster Public Pool Hallorans Sachses Biswangers Shirley Adams Gilmartins Clydes
Neddy’s Dream (4) Pilgrim/Explorer: “the hospitable customs and traditions of the natives would have to be handled with diplomacy” (2046) “Prosperous men and women gathered by the sapphire colored waters” (2045) “this was merely a stagnant bend in the Lucinda River” (2047)
Neddy’s Dream (1) “Neddy Merrill sat by the green water, one hand in it, one around a glass of gin” “slenderness of youth”: “Aphrodite” (love & beauty) “He might have been compared to a summer’s day, particularly the last hours of one” (2043) “His life was not confining” (2044)
Neddy’s Dream (2) “He seemed to see, with a cartographer’s eye, that string of swimming pools, that quasi-subterranean stream that curved across the county” (2044). “he would name the stream Lucinda after his wife” (2044) “a vague and modest idea of himself as a legendary figure” (2044) “he was a pilgrim, an explorer, a man with a destiny”; “friends would line the banks of the Lucinda River” (2044)
Vision vs. Reality (2) Vision and reality are completely confused in this narrative. What is real? The leisurely, drunken midsummer Sunday with his wife and friends, and his children safe at home? OR A cold mid-autumn with his wife and children gone, his home empty and abandoned, his social status fallen? What is real?