A Rapid Introduction to SANGS Martin Ellis Local Headhunter Member of the Crowborough Chamber
SANGS (Suitable, Accessible, Natural, Green Spaces) A 7km restriction zone imposed by WDC from Ashdown Forest 1To reduce additional recreational pressure on The Forest 2To reduce nitrogen disposition on The Forest
SANGS (Suitable, Accesible, Natural, Green Spaces) A 7km restriction zone imposed by WDC from Ashdown Forest Defined by use, access, facilities and size Extra restriction to the Core Strategy Further protect wildlife and environment Prevent increase in Nitrogen levels – protect eco-balance Forest has 1.35m visitors p.a. – Most to walk their dogs More traffic passes through and past without stopping Paid for by levy on developers – including windfall developments Must be more attractive than the Forest to stimulate use
SANGS Wildlife Dartford Warbler 2.1% of the UK population Nightjar 1.1% of the UK population Both populations are on the increase
SANGS Consequences: Every new planning app to be assessed in 7km – and beyond? Future Employment – e.g. Meat Packer abandoned Crowborough Existing Employment – e.g. Companies relocating to limits on growth Jobs move out of the area – workers drive further (WDC to Hailsham!) Housing development slows and prices increase – hits young buyers Restrictions of Change of Use back to residential will hit the High St Local building companies will close No policy on tourism
SANGS Issues: Why 7kms? Originally 4kms SANGS will have no impact on passing traffic How will SANGS be more ‘attractive’ to users? No account taken of aircraft stacking over the Forest Prevailing winds from the South West Driving business out of the 7km zone will increase traffic Huge administrative burden – Expensive and value-reducing Why give retailers on the forest grants to attract more business? Why promote the Forest as a destination?
SANGS Nitrogen: Sources of Nitrogen: TRAFFIC Highest in urban area 55% Usually about 30% In rural settings: Agriculture is highest
SANGS Alternatives: Educate the population Limit access across the Forest – Tolls? Limit Parking? Promote the Wealden for ALL it’s walks – “Take a Walk on the Wealden” Limit access to cars – “Odds and Evens” Close the Forest – “Regeneration Days” Don’t allow any commercial activity on the Forest. PLEASE NOTE: I don’t think these are all good ideas PLEASE NOTE: I don’t think these are all good ideas
SANGS Other Considerations: The 3 rd Industrial Revolution is coming “It will be bigger than the steam engine, the internet and Henry Ford’s production line” Car use is in decline in all developing economies Vehicle emissions are improving
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