Monday, May 17 th And Wednesday, May 19th
To create a researchable question at the zoo comparing two things. You can compare different animals, similar animals, different habitats, different animals with the same characteristics, two animals that are in the same exhibit, etc. The data collection must be able to be done at the zoo in a two day time period and a conclusion must be drawn based on the evidence you collect.
We will have 5 groups. There can be 6 or 7 people in each group. Your group will use the flip video cameras while at the zoo to record all parts of this process. You will need one chaperone for your group for each day, currently Michael Black’s mom is going on both days and Peyton Kaht’s mom is going on Monday and Evan Pearson’s mom is going on Wednesday. Mrs. Holloway can chaperone groups if needed. You will need to collect data three different times, once on Monday and twice on Wednesday.
Monday morning – visit the different animal displays that you have narrowed down your choices to. You will have selected 3 possible investigations before arriving at the zoo and will need to briefly visit all three. Decide on what comparative study you are going to complete. Complete the Problem, Hypothesis, and Materials section of the lab sheet before lunch. Meet at lunch time with Mrs. Holloway to check in on whether your question is investigable while at the zoo and that it is a comparative question. Monday afternoon – Go back to your animal’s exhibit. Write out your procedures and begin to collect data.
Wednesday morning – return to your animal’s exhibit. Refine your investigation and make any changes to your procedures. Collect more data. Video your group discussing the comparative study you are conducting, the hypothesis, procedures, materials, data, etc. Record your animal in its habitat as evidence of the type of data you are collecting. Take a break… visit parts of the zoo that your group is interested in. Have lunch. Wednesday afternoon – return to collect data one more time and complete any last minute information. Videotape your group explaining your conclusion.
Your group will create a presentation similar to the one the other students are doing on their environmental issue. This is a replacement grade – not an additional assignment. You will need to make a poster board presentation using a tri-fold board explaining the process of the comparative study you conducted. You will need to make a video using the footage that you record on the flip video to display during your presentation.
You will need to do some research before you head to the zoo, starting with the Cincinnati Zoo’s website. You will need to collect general information about your animals before going to the zoo. After completing your study, you will need to continue with your research here at school or at home.
Does Meerkat A spend more time on guard than Meerkat B? Do giraffes stand on guard? Which giraffe stands on guard the most? Will cats with ear tufts be found more often in the forest/jungle habitat, grassland, desert, or mountainous habitat? Are primates more left handed or right handed? What does ear size have to do with climate? Where in the tank do the new manatees spend most of their time?
Who plays more gorillas or the monkeys on Monkey Island? What do the habitat displays tell you about the characteristics of that animal? Where do otters spend most of their time, on land or in the water?
Organize yourselves into 5 different groups of 6-8 people. Come up with a list of 5 animals at the zoo that your entire group would be interested in learning more about. Work on chaperones for your group. WE WILL MEET AGAIN SOON!!!!
Monday 7:30-8:45 report to UA 8:45 report to Mrs. Holloway’s room to get ready to leave at 9:00 9:45 Arrive at the zoo and visit 3 animal sites 11:30 Meet at the picnic grove for lunch and discussion of final comparative question 12:00 Go out to conduct study 1:15 Leave for CEMS 2:00 go to library until end of the day (work on class work from SS/PA/MA )
Wednesday 7:30 Report to Mrs. Holloway’s room (No UA) you will have time to work on assignments you missed from SS/PA/MA from Mon/Wed 9:00 Leave for zoo 9:45- Arrive at zoo to conduct morning study Lunch is on your own Conduct afternoon study 1:15 Leave for school 2:00 Return to library until the end of the day (work on class work from SS/PA/MA)