SEP = BEP (Bachelor Final Project) BEP: the ultimate proof one satisfies the learning objectives of the program SEP is exceptional within TU/e: group project ideal to practice some (but not all) important academic/professional skills*, but … these need to be assessed individually Compromise: - some individual “portfolio” assignments (mandatory for passing) - one’s grade = group grade with individual adjustment *) see document “Professional skills in SEP”
Individual adjustment Crucial: cooperating skill To what extent are you a reliable and committed team member? to be defined by the team!!! Definition will be used in peer review form. Assessment by peer* reviews -one halfway, to detect free riders and give feedback to each other for improving behavior & production -one at the end, determines the individual adjustment * Peer = team members, project manager, quality manager, technical advisor / name of department PAGE
“Portfolio” (individual) assignments Create a professional CV instructions & feedback from the Career Center (CC) Deliver a pitch for a panel of recruiters instructions from the CC, feedback from panel Reflect on your pitch experience feedback from Career Center Writing for a lay public: A4 on your own contribution to the project instructions & feedback from a communication expert (native speaker) Several reflection assignments & concluding interview with study counsellor feedback from study counsellor / name of department PAGE
Planning individual “portfolio” assignments (Instructions and) link to portfolio tool communicated by from study counsellor Roel Bloo / name of department PAGE DateTimeActivity May 8 Deadline 24:00Portfolio assignment: CV May 24 or 26 See available time slots on registr’n sitesite Pitch for recruiters panel May 30 Deadline 24:00Portfolio assignm.: reflection on pitch July 5 Deadline 24:00Portfolio assignm.: A4 popular July 10 Deadline 24:00Complete set of portfolio assignm’s ≤ July 20 Date/time to be defined in mutual consultation Individual meeting with study counsellor on Professional skills
Code of Scientific Conduct You have to sign a Declaration, when meeting with the study counsellor for your portfolio completion “I have read the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct. I hereby declare that my Bachelor’s final project has been carried out in accordance with the rules of the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct.” / name of department PAGE
Code of Scientific Conduct : contents Five central values, each with behavioural norms and principles to follow: 1.Trustworthiness, a.o. - do not fabricate, falsify or suppress evidence; - when presenting results, include corresponding uncertainties 2. Intellectual honesty, a.o. - respect intellectual property and authorship; - carry out peer review tasks seriously / name of department PAGE
Code of Scientific Conduct : contents (continued) 3.Openness, a.o. - contribute actively to an academic climate in which insights and criticisms are welcome from all, regardless of academic rank and personal characteristics 4.Independence 5.Societal responsibility / name of department PAGE