To see if my memory pill works I will conduct an experiment using every one of my AP Psych students………… OKNO
I give the memory pill to everyone of the participants from the random sampling………….OK NO
Experimental Group Control Group
Experimental Group Control Group RANDOM ASSIGNMENT
Real PillPLACEBO * guard against the Placebo Effect
I tell the experimental group that they have the real pill….. I tell the control group that they are being given the placebo…..I then compare the results of the 2 groups on the memory test that is administered…….. OK NO
Single-blind Study * Double-blind Study **
After the experiment is conducted, statistical analysis is used to see if there is a statistically significant difference between the scores on the memory test between the experimental and control groups. >>>>Research is deemed to be statistically significant if the variance in data is not likely due to chance.
* After checking to see if there is a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups… *DEBRIEFING occurs explaining to the participants the purpose of the experiment and if any deception was used. >>>> Those people involved in the experiment also have the right to not take part in the experiment or withdraw from the experiment at any time.
CONTROLS *Random Sampling *Random Assignment *Use of a Placebo….. to guard against the Placebo Effect * Division into experimental and control groups *Use of a Single-blind or Double-blind study.