1 Uganda - Vision Long term vision (Vision 2040) - Construction and extension of piped water supply and sanitation systems to all parts of the country; focus on preventive over curative health service delivery approaches; keeping girls in school and improving their competitive rates Focus for increase sector financing, leverage resources from non-traditional sources and fund the sanitation budget line. - improve sector coordination, human resource development and capacity building - Enactment and enforcement of sector legislations. Sanitation: National coverage is 71% JMP progress is 35%, while 10% practice Open Defecation. Inequalities: Inequities do exist between formal and informal settlements; urban & rural Water: 64% have access to improved water, on track to meet MDG
2 Ugand Challenges Key bottlenecks - Inadequate funding especially for sanitation - limited capacities for effective programme delivery especially at Local government levels - Un-affordable sanitation technologies for emergencies and difficult soil conditions - Water Resources Vulnerability due to water shocks, climate change and population growth - inadequate political will especially at lower councils to support enforcement of legislations - Lack of transport for the extension staff Tools used: Joint Sector Reviews 2013 GLAAS
3 Uganda Progress on 2012 commitments Key achievement areas -- Ministry of Health collecting reports on S&H using Health Inspectors’ annual surveys and used in the sector performance reports -- Monitoring Sector performance annually, through the 11 Golden Indicators Ar eas of slow achievement - Implementation of the national plan and accelerate progress to meet national sanitation goals and other MDGs by Institutionalization and scale up appropriate sanitation and hygiene technologies/initiatives (Community Led total sanitation – CLTS). Carry-over to Financing of the sanitation budget line and Improving sector coordination
4 Uganda 2014 Commitments V Ministry of Health to Elevate Environmental Health Division to a Department by end of 2016 Ministry of Finance to ensure allocation of 0.5% of GDP to the sanitation budget line by the FY 2015/16 PSC and DSC to recruit and fill sector vacant posts to 100% by end of 2016, with training and promotional avenues and transport provided Local governments to ensure 100% sanitation coverage by all leaders and support enforcement sanitation laws starting 2014/15 M.O.H to ensure sanitation ordinances and bye-laws are enacted and enforced in 25% of the districts by 2016 Equality Finance Human Capacity Policy and plans Political support Permanent secretaries to ensure sector Working Group meetings are held and attended by all senior officers from the different sectors starting with 2014 Coordination
5 5 FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY Thank you for Listening & May God bless us all