CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status report of the CGMS Socioeconomic Benefits Tiger Team (SETT) Presented to CGMS-43 Plenary Session, Agenda Item G Slide: 1
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS S OCIOECONOMIC B ENEFITS T IGER T EAM (SETT) Chair: Charles Wooldridge, NOAA Develop a credible methodology and common terminology for articulating the socio-economic benefit of satellite observing systems Explore the most effective ways to communicate this information to desired stakeholders Slide: 2
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 3 SETT TOR A CCOMPLISHMENTS Tiger Team established Studies compiled Expertise identified; key partnerships developed economists First Workshop held to review Studies Communications Resources Developed Second Workshop on Case Study Design Progress Report and Workshop Summaries BAMS Article Accepted Publicly Available Information on CGMS Website Additional Outreach WMO Consultative Meeting – Geneva, June 2014 Asia-Oceania Metsat Users Conference – Shanghai, Nov 2014 AMS Annual Meeting – Phoenix, 2015
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 4 Workshop #2 Topics Designed draft CGMS SETT case study for execution of the study. –The objective of the case study is to demonstrate approaches and best practices for conducting socioeconomic benefit studies for CGMS members. –Identify opportunities to incorporate best practices; integrate these into additional or subsequent phases of work on new instruments and satellites Evaluate the degree to which a quantitative economic analysis can best be incorporated in addition to of the assessment of qualitative societal impacts; Identify opportunities and constraints to case study progress; and Identify possible participant contributions to the study and the timeline for case study completion.
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 5 Workshop 2 Results Case Study on Understanding and Assessing the Value of Improved Satellite Data for the Users of Operational Sea Ice Products and Information more specifically on the benefits of remote sensing observations via sea ice information products used by ship operators in the Arctic for rapid response to adverse events –Determine which products(s) are used by decision-makers (e.g. ship operators) and how the product(s) impacts decision making and the outcomes; –Identify the data inputs key to the development of the product(s) used; –Diagram the information flow; –Decide which data/data characteristic(s) to evaluate in the case study (types, frequency & resolution); –Determine how to analyze the contribution of the data (e.g. data denial experiment); –Build a decision model; –Determine the best economic approach to evaluate the resulting change; –Develop a nominal timeline/schedule for completion of the case study –Solicit Resources to conduct case study (human, financial, data and information)
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 6 Workshop 2 Results Guidance Document on the conduct of socio-economic benefit studies will be: –Brief –Specific to the challenges of measuring the benefits of space-based observing systems –General enough to address the range of motivations that may drive a CGMS member to conduct a socio-economic benefit analysis –Highlight other available resources so as not to duplicate efforts SETT Resources available on the CGMS Website at
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 7 Going Forward Increase Participation by CGMS Members Move forward on Case Study design and identify resources needed for successful completion Complete Guidance Document for CGMS Members Coordinate as appropriate with related efforts at WMO, OECD, and other bodies OECD-hosted SETT Workshop #3 in October 2015, Paris
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 8 Thank YOU -
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Backup Slides Slide: 9
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 10 SETT TOR A CTIVITIES FOR Compile and review relevant socio-economic benefit and return on investment studies Identify relevant socio-economic expertise in CGMS members, the WMO, and in related institutions Identify key application areas and gather examples, case studies that illustrate benefit Evaluate approaches and methodologies used to: understand the value of satellite observing systems among all observing systems and; understand the role of satellite observing systems in the entire value chain. Review terminology for accuracy, consistency, and accessibility to non-technical audiences. Link outcome of these efforts to CGMS Outreach/communication priorities
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS SETT Key workshop#1 Findings Context is Essential. Methods are critical. Understanding relative impact of satellite observations is crucial. Quantitative & qualitative methodologies are valid approaches. “The cost of perfect information may not be worth the cost of acquisition.” Data availability matters. Interdisciplinary expertise is required. Operational agencies can leverage research agency perspectives/expertise Slide: 11
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GMES / Copernicus (SB) “Socio-Economic Benefits Analysis of GMES (2006)” Climate Change Adaptation, Env protection, Humanitarian response, Mgmt of natural resources (air quality, marine, ecosystems, civil protection) Sustainable growth Policy formulation in Europe (15b€ acc.) Global action formulation and implementation (Climate, Desertification, Development aid), Resource Mgmt (120b€ acc) Monetary benefit (wrt EU GDP) Efficiency benefit (3b€ accumulated) Strategic benefit
CGMS-43-NOAA-WP-29 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GMES / Copernicus (SB) “Socio-Economic Benefits Analysis of GMES (2006)” Europe; Global Expert and stakeholder elicitation Indicators of value PwC