GOCDB Status and Plans David Meredith John Casson
New features and improvements for GOCDB in 2012: Current Status: Refactoring / re-development Better database abstraction, Domain objects, Transactional service facade. Data Scoping To host non-EGI sites and services in the central GOCDB To distinguish between EGI and Local sites/services in a regional-publishing GOCDB A new Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture with page-controllers and AJAX for an improved user experience. New Features for April/May: Support for multiple Endpoints per Service. Support for Virtual Sites. Finer grained roles and permissions model. Update of the XML output module for rendering nested XML object-hierarchies. GLUE2 rendering of GOCDB data.
Updated ERD (simplified): 1.VSites 2.Multiple Endpoints per Service
New Feature: Virtual Sites Flexibly group existing service endpoints into meaningful groupings. To address the limitations of the physical site -> service endpoint structure (a VSite can group services distributed across different physical sites). Example use cases: An "OPERATIONAL_TOOLS" VSite containing GGUS, GOCDB, Monitoring, Ops Portal etc. A VSite to group all services of a particular type within an NGI, e.g. “ALL_NGI_UK_CEs” A VSite to group IPv6 test services. VSite owners have no permissions given over service endpoints. At present, anyone can create a VSite (we could limit this to particular roles – needed?) Due for release in April. VSite-Service Relationship A single service can only have a single (owning) physical site. A single service can be grouped by many VSites.
VSite Example The ‘ALL_CES’ VSite is used to group CE type services from different physical sites.
VSite PI Example The ‘ALL_CES’ VSite is used to group CE type services from different physical sites. PI supports requesting of VSites in ‘EGI’ or ‘Local’ scope, but a VSite can group SEs from both scopes: Suggestion? add SCOPE tag to SE output, e.g. EGI | Local (get_virtual_site, get_service_endpoint)
GOCDB to ATP mappings: == elements will only ever have a single nested element. elements with the same 'name' attribute are duplicated (which is permitted). For any single, ALL of the listed are members of both the specified VSite AND the physical, which is correct. GOCDB to produce an ATP VO feed from VSites ATP will recognize this as the 'OPS' VO topology feed
New Feature: Multiple per Service Original requirement - Store a GRIS URL field for each service endpoint. This will allow the Top-BDII to directly retrieve information about the service. A Service would be able to define multiple endpoints, e.g. Endpoint1 - define actual service URL Endpoint 2 - define the GRIS ldap URL Endpoint 3 - e.g. could define an admin portal URL Therefore, a mechanism is required to distinguish different endpoint types and their intended purpose: Adopt GLUE2 tag as a child of. The GRIS Endpoint will define the service's GRIS ldap URL with an value of "RIS" (to be agreed with GLUE2). GOCDB would centrally manage an enumeration of s. Endpoint URLs that nest a particular InterfaceName MUST fully support that particular interface type.
Example PI Query String:
Old Role NameNew Role NameRole Type Site Administrator Site User Security Officer*Site Security OfficerSite Manager Site Operations Deputy ManagerSite Manager Site Operations ManagerSite Manager Regional First Line SupportRegional User Regional Operations StaffRegional Staff (ROD)Regional User Deputy Regional ManagerNGI Operations Deputy ManagerRegional Manager NGI Operations ManagerRegional Manager Security Officer*NGI Security OfficerRegional Manager COD Staff Project Coordinator COD Administrator Project Coordinator Chief Operations Officer Project Coordinator Security Officer*EGI CSIRT OfficerProject Coordinator To better address the needs of the user community. New roles will be added and existing roles renamed. Key changes include: Site Users cannot approve/reject role requests while Site Managers can. Regional Users cannot add or delete sites to/from their NGI or update the certification status of member sites while Regional Mangers can. New Feature: Finer Grained Role/Permissions Model
2012 Roadmap GOCDB 4.3 (April 10 th ) Updated Role/Permissions Model VSites (not including the ATP VO feed) GOCDB 4.4 (May/June) Multiple Endpoints per Service GLUE2 rendering of GOCDB data (see slides from first talk) ATP VO feed GOCDB 4.5 (Aug/Sept) Focus on smaller developments to reduce number of RT tickets (e.g. Notification of role requests, more AJAX/improve GUI, iron out issues) Prioritise Next Developments (Oct): VO support (query SEs by VO, query downtimes by VO) Writable REST API: Update dynamic data (e.g. GLUE2 HealthState and ServingState) Add/Update SEs, Declare Downtimes Regionalisation Re-prioritisation exercise Remaining use-case: Customisation of non-EGI (Local) scoped data Publishing of EGI scoped data to parent GOCDB instance