Info-Tech Research Group1 Understand and Manage Consumerization Love it or hate it, just don’t ignore it.
Info-Tech Research Group2 Consumer devices (smartphones, tablets, MacBooks) and third-party unmanaged devices are accessing your infrastructure in increasing numbers – and you need to deal with them. Introduction Infrastructure Managers in organizations of all sizes and complexity who are dealing with personal and unmanaged devices (PUDs) both consumer and unmanaged devices Infrastructure Managers with a highly mobile workforce looking to optimize their service Define the scope and drivers of PUD influx Understand the tools available to manage the impact of PUDs on the organization Design a strategy to deal with PUDs in a long term and cost-effective fashion This Research Is Designed For:This Research Will Help You:
Info-Tech Research Group3 Executive Summary Understand the Infrastructure Manager’s role in personal and unmanaged device management User populations in your organization are diverse and have different productivity and PUD management needs. The sensitivity of the data each user can access is the key to understanding what controls should be in place. Focus on controlling access to organizational data from any device rather than trying to control each PUD. Tailor PUD management strategies to the needs of your user communities to balance risk, support, and infrastructure costs against meeting business expectations. Align PUD management strategies with business goals Secure your systems first through policy alignment and technical controls. Provide access that is appropriate in light of both security and mobility needs. Once appropriate security controls and network access mechanisms are in place, look to desktop and application virtualization to deliver operational cost savings and enable longer-term end-user flexibility. Leverage PUDs to rebuild your traditional infrastructure for the new service-based reality Volume and diversity of PUDs is increasing, driven by both company executives and new hires. PUDs are not an infrastructure problem; they represent an organizational challenge that requires both policy and technical controls. This trend is unavoidable and must be addressed – failing to deal with PUDs is more expensive than being proactive.
Info-Tech Research Group4 Approach consumer technology challenges with a collaborative, systematic mindset CIO Risk Management and Security Application Development PUAs Support Network Access Policy PUDs Enable a persistent ecosystem by working with the CIO, fellow IT managers, and end users to develop processes and policies beyond the short-term. Provision and deploy applications. Drive engagement and follow adoption trends. Provision and deploy applications. Drive engagement and follow adoption trends. Applications Manager Deploy and maintain infrastructure in support of policy and applications. Infrastructure Manager Develop adoption strategy based on organizational situation. Oversee policy and budget development. Develop adoption strategy based on organizational situation. Oversee policy and budget development. CIO Applications Manager Infrastructure Manager
Info-Tech Research Group5 Pay for PUD management now, or pay more to deal with the consequences later By 2013, every user will be bringing a PUD into the workspace. Ignoring PUDs may cost 24% of your operational budget in lost time and increased risk. Implementing key infrastructure changes can cover the cost of PUD management and enable operational flexibility. Growth in # of users of PUDs at work ’09 ’10 ’11 ‘12 ’13 ’14 ‘15 1 Compiled growth rate from KPMG, Deloitte and Ernst & Young studies Maintaining the status quo has three main costs: 1.End-user support: The increased number of devices – even if not explicitly supported – leads to misplaced , problems syncing accounts, etc. These issues will have to be resolved by IT. 2.Data loss: Allowing users to access and modify data on unsecured devices creates risks of formatting errors, version control, malware, data corruption, and theft. 3.Security and auditing: The above risks mean that additional security costs will be incurred to protect organizational assets and respond to incidents. Organizations handling financial/ personal records (including charities, retailers, banks, hospitals) will face additional audits to demonstrate compliance. Info-Tech Insight The horse is long gone on controlling consumer devices.
Info-Tech Research Group6 It costs more to do nothing than to implement a comprehensive PUD management strategy Implement a plan for infrastructure-based PUD management, or face increased IT costs Basic mobile device management with desktop virtualization recovers associated operational costs. We didn’t aim to save money [with our PUD management solution], which was good. We wanted to break even and just make it [the user experience] more efficient. - Gary Rankin, System Architect, Hamilton Health Sciences With MDM (2) MDM +AV (3) MDM +DV (2+4) MDM +AV +DV (3+4) “Do Nothing” Budget Impact (5) +7% +14% -1% Assumptions: 1.This model is a 200 end-user company. Total IT operations budget is based on InfoTech’s Infrastructure TCO calculator example. See slide 54 for further details.Infrastructure TCO calculatorSee slide 54 for further details 2.Mobile device management (MDM) costs based on solutions that manage iPads and other tablets, as well as smartphones. 3.Full PUD solution includes MDM plus application virtualization (AV). 4.Desktop virtualization (DV) costs were determined using InfoTech’s Desktop virtualization TCO calculator.Desktop virtualization TCO calculator 5.Budget over-run assumes no formal management of PUDs. This causes increased help desk costs due to end-user devices. The increased risk of data loss is also factored into this cost estimate and detailed here on slide 55. detailed here Budget Today (1) Infrastructure options that enable PUDs, subject to a range of control mechanisms Effect on IT Operations Budget +6% +24% Negative budgetary impact of additional risks and support costs.
Info-Tech Research Group7 What’s in this Section:Sections: Understand the Infrastructure Manager’s role in PUD management Align PUD management strategies with business goals Leverage PUDs to rebuild your traditional infrastructure to the new service-based reality Define and manage the strains on the infrastructure Identify the unavoidable trends
Info-Tech Research Group8 PUDs are an organizational problem, not simply an infrastructure problem In the absence of a PUD management plan, many infrastructure managers attempt to block all access to organizational resources from non-company devices. This can lead to use of personal and non-corporate resources for organizational tasks. Both the organization’s image and data security may be adversely impacted as a result. 84% of companies are not ready for PUDs Are you ready for PUDs? Most organizations accept some liability for mobile devices Number of respondents Liability concerns and the potential negative effects of PUDs means that infrastructure managers may be tempted to close the gates. Don’t do it. Instead, engage end users and find a solution that allows both productivity and protection. This approach will reduce end-user antagonism and decrease temptations to work around IT. Info-Tech Insight We in IT think this is an IT problem. And this is not an IT problem. This is an HR, legal, governance, compliance issue that happens to have IT as the execution arm. And IT is being, I think, too quick to say yes or no. We can certainly do consumerization provided that the leaders of the organization direct us to do so. – Bruce Michelson, Distinguished Technologist, HP Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n=1,469 Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n=168 Who is liable for mobile devices?
Info-Tech Research Group9 Personal devices WILL be part of the end-user experience in almost every enterprise Growth in # of mobile OSs 30% Growth Percent of respondents that support multiple mobile OSs Percent of users that have PUDs Annualized rate of growth 30% 130% 7%-7%9% Tablet use is expected to double in the next year The variety of mobile devices in the workplace is increasing, making management and support of PUDs more difficult and costly. The volume of all types of mobile PUDs is forecasted to increase in the next year. This means users will expect more flexibility for interacting with your infrastructure. Increasing overall growth and diversity means that a one-size- fits-all approach to the PUDs challenge is unlikely to work in the long term. Info-Tech Insight Will increase inter-office mobility 83% 98% The percent of organizations that support at least one mobile OS Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n=68 Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n=168 One third of organizations reported that 100% of their users will have at least one PUD
Info-Tech Research Group10 Recognize that more than one group is driving the PUDs trend The incoming workforce has different attitudes about acceptable use of non-company-issued technology and storage of corporate data. As millennials (DOB ) enter the workforce, these trends will increase the presence of PUDs in the workplace. 66% of companies supporting PUDs cite executive pressure as the main driver Typically, consumer devices comes in from the executive office. They’re one to two percent of every organization. They have their own concierge level of support. They’re gadget driven. Another source is people coming into the workforce, they have their likes and dislikes of the technologies that they’ve used before. – Bruce Michelson, Distinguished Technologist, HP Source: Millennial Workforce: IT Risk or Benefit?, Symantec Official Blog, June 29, 2009.Millennial Workforce: IT Risk or Benefit? The pressure from both executives and new hires will strain your infrastructure. Plan for investments that will minimize their ability to compromise the organization’s data while maximizing productivity. Capital investment planning Executives
Info-Tech Research Group11 Infrastructure enables application delivery so that users can achieve business goals Infrastructure Managers should have three high- level goals: 1.Stability: Ensure that existing infrastructure provides a consistently high level of service to enable mission-critical processes. 2.Scalability: Create and maintain the capacity to rapidly and efficiently deploy new applications and services identified by the business or to rapidly and efficiently scale to meet expanding requirements. 3.Cost management: Achieve both of the above goals at the lowest possible cost to the business and continue to drive down costs. Leave the technical details to your staff! Info-Tech Insight My role is moving away from the actual technical and more into support of the business side. Pure hardware, software, operating system-type support – that has probably moved down a level where I have people doing that who have to be able to understand the issues they’re facing. But it’s more to the other C-levels at the table that I have to be able to talk to as opposed to just technology. – Peter Valters, Infrastructure Manager, Empowered Networks CIO Application Development Infrastructure Manager Business goals Apps Servers/Network Communications Support services Infrastructure User
Info-Tech Research Group12 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: