WorkSource Integrated Technology project Weekly All User Update 05/13/16
Seeker Account Creation Seekers are still experiencing issues during account creation. There are several reasons why this is happening. The data the Seeker is entering during account creation may not match what’s already in the system. As a Staff member, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot before potentially referring the Seeker to the Monster Help Desk.
As a Staff member, log in to ETO and search for the Seeker. Review the demographics, and find the SSN, DOB and address. Verify with the user if these are the values they entered in the Job Match account creation process.
If any of the listed values are different than what they used, and the Seeker has access to that account, work with the Seeker to create a new SAW account through The , SSN and DOB should match what is displayed in ETO. Use a new SAW User ID If the SSN and DOB are incorrect, this can be corrected once the Job Match account has been created.
If the Seeker’s address is different than the one in ETO and the Seeker does not have access to that account, the Staff member should call the Monster Help Desk. You will need to provide the following information: “The Seeker no longer has access to the account displayed in ETO. The record needs to be updated with the correct address. I confirmed the Seekers demographics. ” Seeker Name Seeker DOB address that displays in ETO New address
Monster Help Desk
Once confirmed as complete by the Monster Help Desk, assist the Seeker in creating a SAW account using the NEW address, a new user ID, and the SSN and DOB that displays in ETO.
Once the new SAW account has been created, the , DOB and SSN can be reset to the desired and accurate values using the instructions below. –the Seeker can update the address by logging in to their account in, clicking on their name and then ‘Profile’ in the upper right corner. If an error message displays that this address is already in use, work with the Seeker to contact the Monster Help Desk. DOB - The user can update the DOB by logging in as a Seeker at, and clicking on their name and then ‘Profile’ in the upper right corner. As a Staff member, you can also impersonate the Seeker and correct the DOB. SSN - There is no way to manually update the SSN through the system. The Staff member should contact the Monster Help Desk on behalf of the user indicating: 1.The Seeker has two accounts in ETO (one with an incorrect SSN), and the two accounts need to be merged. 2.The Seeker’s SSN displays incorrectly in ETO and needs to be corrected. Verify the Seeker’s SSN prior to submitting this request.
InsideWIT User Alerts posted on the home page Services Catalog available under the User Support tab All training documents, including User Guides, are posted under the Trainers’ Corner tab
Updates Fixes will be implemented on a weekly schedule starting next week A list of the fixes will be provided on a weekly basis. They will be posted on InsideWIT. We will review the fixes during our weekly update
Reporting issues Account creation issues Contact the Monster Help Desk Report all other issues via the Remedy ticketing system Inside the ESD network, submit a ticket online InsideESD>Top Services>Computer & phone service request Outside the ESD network, call the Service Desk
Be sure to include the Seeker name and SKIES Seeker ID Number when logging a Remedy ticket. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII), such as a DOB or SSN. Reporting issues - Staff
Reporting issues-Seekers and Employers Do not give out the ESD Service Desk number to Seekers or Employers. The Monster Help Desk is the correct place to refer Seekers and Employers to. The number is