Lesson 1 9 th Grade Vocabulary
Here’s the deal….. You copy: word, definition, part of speech The sentences and pictures are to help you understand what the word means. Vocabulary helps you in many ways…it’s exercise for your brain! Study a little every night and you’ll do great on each quiz. Homework due Thursday; quiz on Friday Review each lesson each week; for example, you need to review lessons 1-4 before the lesson 5 quiz.
1. Abstinence (noun) The practice of abstaining; doing without Although the preacher talked about abstinence a great deal, it was well known that he would have a drink now and then. Antonym: indulgence
2. Ambulatory (adjective) Able to walk It is unusual for babies to be ambulatory before they are nine months old.
3. Diatribe (noun) A bitter and abusive criticism The teacher launched into a diatribe about students not completing homework when over half of her class forgot to read the assigned story.
4. Didactic (adjective) Intended to instruct, guide, or teach His poetry was so didactic that although one learned a great deal about the topic, the poetry wasn’t very entertaining.
5. Diffident (adjective) Timid, shy; lacking in confidence Unlike Bob, who is quite social, Joe was a little diffident. Antonym: confident
6. Garrulous (adjective) Very talkative Amy was so garrulous that Ashley finally had to interrupt her to say what she had to say. Antonyms: Reticent, taciturn
7. Mandatory (adjective) Required; obligatory Seatbelts are mandatory for drivers in North Carolina. Antonym: voluntary
8. Morbid (adjective) Preoccupied with death It was such a morbid story that it depressed me. Antonym: cheerful
9. Munificent (adjective) Very generous While the company’s offer was munificent, it was too large for the senator to accept. Antonyms: Stingy, penurious
10. Scoff (verb) To show derision or mockery He scoffed at the notion of taking a lower paying job, but eventually he was forced to do so. Antonym: praise