Medical laboratory scientists and technicians Health Workforce Annual Survey Medical laboratory scientists and Technicians Health Workforce Annual Survey
Introduction A health workforce survey was included with each invoice for the Annual Practising Certificates (APC) sent to medical laboratory scientists and technicians in February Of the 1616 medical laboratory scientists who were sent an invoice 1312 (81.2 percent) indicated that they were working actively as medical laboratory scientists, three (0.2 percent) respondents indicated that they were not actively working and 301 (18.6 percent) did not respond to the survey. Of the 1437 medical laboratory technicians who were sent an invoice, 1123 (78.1 percent) indicated that they were working actively as medical laboratory technicians, one (0.1 percent) respondent indicated that they were not actively working and 313 (21.8 percent) did not respond to the survey. The following statistics are based on the 1312 active medical laboratory scientists and 1123 active medical laboratory technicians.
List of tables Table 1: Age and gender of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, Table 2: Ethnicity of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by gender, Table 3: Qualification country of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by gender, Table 4: District Health Board of employer for medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by average hours worked, Table 5: Main employment setting of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by gender, Table 6: Worktype by main employment setting for active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, Table 7: Worktype for medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by gender,
List of figures Figure 1: Age of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, as a percentage, Figure 2: Ethnicity of active medical laboratory scientists, by gender, percentage, Figure 3: Ethnicity of active medical laboratory technicians, by gender, as a percentage, Figure 4: District Health Board of employer for medical laboratory scientists, by average hours worked, Figure 5: District Health Board of employer for medical laboratory technicians, by average hours worked, Figure 6: Main employment setting of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, Figure 7: Worktype for medical laboratory scientists, by gender, percentage, Figure 8: Worktype for medical laboratory technicians, by gender, as a percentage, Figure 9: Active medical laboratory scientists by year of qualification, 1970 to Figure 10: Active medical laboratory technicians by year of qualification, 1962 to
Survey results Of the medical laboratory scientists with a reported gender, 71.2 percent were female, while 88.8 percent of medical laboratory technicians were female (Table 1 and Figure 1). The median age of respondents was 47 years for medical laboratory scientists and 50 years for medical laboratory technicians.
Table 1: Age and gender of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, 2010 Medical Laboratory ScientistsMedical Laboratory Technicians Age group Male Female Not reporte d Total Percen tage Male Female Not reporte d Total Percen tage 20– – – – – – – – Not reported Total
Ethnicity Medical Laboratory ScientistsMedical Laboratory Technicians MaleFemaleNot reportedTotalMaleFemaleNot reportedTotal NZ European NZ Maori Other European – British & Irish Chinese Other European Indian Other Asian African Other European – Australian South East Asian Other Pacific Samoan Maori Other Not reported Total Table 2: Ethnicity of active medical laboratory scientists and technicians, by gender, 2010
The Ministry of Health would like to thank all the health care professionals who completed the 2010 workforce questionnaire. This is an annual survey which all health care professionals are encouraged to complete. If you have any comments or require further survey results please contact: For more information visit: - Medical Laboratory TechnicianMedical Laboratory Technician