Recycling Containers and Signs That Work
Key Steps 1. Decide what to collect 2. Decide how to sort 3. Decide where to collect 4. Choose containers 5. Educate users 6. Monitor
Step 1: Decide What to Collect Observe what & where people discard items Identify recyclable items & estimate the amount generated Conduct interviews Variety of people from different function areas Custodial crews
Step 2: Decide How to Sort Talk to haulers Segregation of materials should match the sorts that haulers accept Evaluate markets Sorting materials in different ways can impact the amount that you get paid Keep it simple Less sorting usually results in more material & less contamination
Step 3: Decide Where to Collect Near the source/point of generation Away from locations where people have only trash In visible locations Along high traffic routes Next to trash cans A recycling bin away from a trash can will likely have trash contamination
Step 3: Decide Where to Collect Recycling Bin Near A Trash Can Recycling Bin Away from a Trash Can
Step 4: Choose Containers Color & shape consistent with guidelines such as historic preservation, homeland security, etc.
Step 4: Choose Containers Differentiate from trash cans Similar looking bins require lots of promotion & frequent education
Step 4: Choose Containers Space for labels or signs
Step 4: Choose Containers Features that prevent contamination Round openings for bottles & cans Slots for paper Rubber covering over round opening for bottles & cans
Step 4: Choose Containers Easy to empty
Step 4: Choose Containers Ease of storage (if not used continuously) Bins stored intact take up a lot of space Some bins disassemble with or without tools Features that discourage misuse Flat top bins are often used to set drinks or other items on Weight of materials A bin full of glass is much easier to transport if it has wheels
Step 4: Choose Containers Recycled Content Recycling Bins Go To: Select: Product Supplier Directory Search Product: Office Recycling Containers and Waste Receptacles
Step 5: Educate Users Signs & Labels
Step 5: Educate Users Signs & Labels What’s acceptable & not acceptable
Step 5: Educate Users Signs & Labels Keep it brief “Cans & Bottles” vs “Recycle Aluminum, Steel, Glass, and Plastic Only Here”
Step 5: Educate Users Signs & Labels Pictures & words
Step 5: Educate Users
Promotion What & where to recycle
Step 5: Educate Users Promotion Benefits of recycling Results of recycling efforts Competitions & contests are great ways to engage users
Step 6: Monitor Track quantities recycled Dips in recycling rates could indicate problems with system
Step 6: Monitor Conduct interviews Get feedback from users on how program is working Talk to custodians Check bins Some bins have a tendency to grow legs Labels and signs sometimes disappear, especially if you have an eye-catching design
Contact Information Ron Vance U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (5306P) Washington, DC (703) 347 – 8951