Cell Analogies project By: Mackayla Moss and Rossell Martinez Compared to a shopping mall
Ribosomes are like the treasurer of the mall because they manage all the money as ribosomes make all proteins.
Cytoplasm are like customers because they fill up the mall and make it up as cytoplasm fill everything outside the nucleus.
Vacuoles are like bags because they store merchandise as vacuoles stare materials.
Recycling bins are like lysosomes because they recycle trash as lysosomes break down nutrients and use them again.
Phone charging stations are like mitochondria because they convert electricity into power for phones as the mitochondria convert chemical energy to energy for cells.
Kiosks are like cytoskeletons because they provide additional supporting funds for the mall as cytoskeletons support the cell.
Cell membrane are like parking lots because they regulate what enters and leaves the mall as cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell and provides protection.
Security gates are like centrioles because they divide you from the store as centrioles help in cell division.
The food court is the the endoplasmic reticulum because it is where food is being assembled and sold is in the ER it assembles protein and other material.
The back of the store is like Golgi apparatus because that is where materials arrive and are stored for selling as the Golgi apparatus receives protein from the ER and modifies and sorts it.
Store signs are like chromosomes because it shows you where you are as chromosomes identify what you are.
Customer service is like the nucleus because they provide information and help others as the nucleus gives instructions to other body structures for making protein.
Security officers are like the cell wall because they provide protection for mall people, and are tough as the cell wall is a tough structure for protection.
Solar panels are like chloroplasts because they captures sunlight and convert is to electricity as chloroplasts capture sunlight and makes it into energy/
Stores are like nucleolus because without them there would be no mall and where most money is made as without the nucleolus there would be no cell.