Opioids Patrick Kastor, Shushanshu Neupane, Eric Baker
Opium Opium definition Who used opium
Friedrich Serturner German Scientists Discovered Morphine Wife Overdosed from use of morphine
First Morphine, Then Heroin Who discovered heroin Bayer Company How it was used before it was illegal
United States Morphine Introduction German Scientists
1851 – During American Civil War Opium/ Morphine was widely used Because of many casualties in the civil war and these drugs being considered as best pain reliever their use skyrocketed. Hypodermic syringe revealed the new era of injecting morphine and inaugurates the deadliest era of addiction which only took 20 sec to start the reaction. Early use of Opium and Morphine in Global World Hypodermic Syringe
Measures to control use of these drugs in U.S.A and Its failure Government started cracking down on Chinese and laws were passed to ban the use of opium and morphine in certain parts of San- Francisco as it was only the place to have more Chinese population and China was among the highest user of those drugs at that time. Rest part became more addicted and middle class women were among the most explicit user of those drugs. Soon, revolutionary breakthrough of pathetic medicine were made which used almost 50% of those drugs.
International attempt to ban Opium and revelation of heroin Spanish/ American war in Philippines and thought of passing a law and banning of these drugs. USA and China thought of holding an International convention and banning these drugs. Breakthrough of Heroin in Germany in 1998 and Europe started flourishing selling it. Soon began to used as alternative to Morphine but its effect was not realized until too late. By 1913 became public health desire and leading drug. China started cracking down by shooting the users.
Ban in USA Harrison Tax act was first step in banning heroin and use of illegal drugs totally banned and permanently removed from medical use. License was compulsory to sell, need to pay tax and prescription to use it. Soon after that starting of smuggling through France and Turkey which skyrocketed in 1970 via Columbia and Mexico. Lucky Lucia no- first underworld smuggler of heroin in USA and drug enforcement laws are passed but still dark side of this exists Strict laws were passed but still failed to control the use of it.
Effects of Heroin and other major drugs It slows down central nervous system. It slows heart rate. Leads blood pressure to drop. Result in impaired respiratory function. Prolonged use result in heart and lungs failure. Result in collapsed vein and many diseases due to use of unsterilized needles.
Comparison and some facts about illegal drugs 1 in 5 people aged between uses or have used illegal drugs in their life. People aged are among the highest user of illegal drugs with 46% of them using it. More men claims to be taking drugs than women. Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of Opium and it is about 5500 metric ton which has declined in recent years. USA is the largest consumer of illegal drugs and Mexico is the route for about 90% of illegal drugs in USA.
Food and Drug Administration
12 steps of N.A.
Works Cited Aklor Illegal drugs and how they got that way [Online]. Available: Anon Heroin pictures [Online]. Available: abuse/heroin/0bvr6xF7co2jrhttp:// abuse/heroin/0bvr6xF7co2jr Anon The world fact book [Online]. Available: factbook/fields/2086.htmlhttps:// factbook/fields/2086.html Anon Stunning shot picture [Online]. Available: Anon. Heroin abuse [Online]. Available: