Chapter 5 Business-to-Business Strategies Electronic Commerce
2 Objectives In this chapter, you will learn about: Strategies that businesses use to improve purchasing, logistics, and other support activities Supply chain management and how businesses are using Internet technologies to improve it Electronic marketplaces and portals that make purchase-sale negotiations easier and more efficient
Electronic Commerce3 Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities 采购、物流及支持性活动 Purchasing activities 采购活动 –Include identifying vendors, evaluating vendors, selecting specific products, and placing orders Procurement –Includes all purchasing activities, plus the monitoring of all elements of purchase transactions Supply management 供应管理 –Term used to describe procurement activities
Electronic Commerce4 Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities (continued) Sourcing 供方选择 –Procurement activity devoted to identifying suppliers and determining their qualifications E-procurement or e-sourcing 电子采购 –Use of Internet technologies in procurement and sourcing activities
Electronic Commerce5
6 Direct vs. Indirect Materials Purchasing Direct materials –Materials that become part of the finished product in a manufacturing process Replenishment purchasing –The company negotiates long-term contracts for most of the materials that it will need Indirect materials –Other materials that the company purchases, including factory supplies
Electronic Commerce7 Logistics Activities 物流活动 Logistics activities include managing: –Inbound movements of materials and supplies 原 材料供应的进向物流 –Outbound movements of finished goods and services 产品和服务交付的外向物流 Logistics management 物流管理 –Important support activity for both sales and purchasing activities Objective of logistics 物流的目标 –To provide the right goods in the right quantities in the right place at the right time
Electronic Commerce8 Support Activities 支持性活动 Support activities –Include categories of finance and administration, human resources, and technology development 包括财务、行政、人力资源、技术开发等 Knowledge management 知识管理 –Intentional collection, classification, and dissemination of knowledge about a company, its products, and its processes 对有关企业及其产品 、流程的知识进行专门的收集、分类以及发布
Electronic Commerce9 E-Government 电子政务 Use of electronic commerce by governments and government agencies to: 政府部门可通 过电子商务来: –Perform functions for their stakeholders 为利益相 关者执行相关职能 –Employ people, buy supplies from vendors, and distribute benefit payments 雇佣员工、采购物品 、发放工资和福利 –Collect taxes and fees from constituents 征收税费
Electronic Commerce10 Supply Chain Management Using Internet Technologies 使用因特网技术的供应链管理 Supply chain –Part of an industry value chain that precedes a particular strategic business unit Supply chain management –Used to add value in benefits to the ultimate consumer at the end of the supply chain Tier one suppliers Tier two suppliers Tier three suppliers
Electronic Commerce11 Supply Chain Management Using Internet Technologies 使用因特网技术的供应链管理
Electronic Commerce12 Advantages of using Internet technologies in supply chain management
Electronic Commerce13 Supply Chain Management Using Internet Technologies (continued) Supply alliances 供应协同 –Long-term relationships created among participants in the supply chain Key element of successful supply chain management 供应链管理的关键成功因素 –Clear communications and quick responses
Electronic Commerce14 Building and Maintaining Trust in the Supply Chain 在供应链上建立与维持信任 Major issue for most companies is developing trust Key elements for building trust include continual communication and information sharing
Electronic Commerce15 Electronic Marketplaces and Portals 电子市场与门户网站 Vertical portals (vortals) –Offer a doorway (or portal) to the Internet for industry members –Vertically integrated
Electronic Commerce16 Independent Industry Marketplaces 行业市场 Industry marketplaces 行业市场 –Focused on a single industry Independent exchanges 第三方交易中心 –Not controlled by a company that was an established buyer or seller in the industry Public marketplaces 公共电子市场 –Open to new buyers and sellers just entering the industry
Electronic Commerce17 Electronic Marketplaces and Portals 电子市场与门户网站
Electronic Commerce18 Summary Companies are using Internet and Web technologies to improve their purchasing and logistics primary activities Supply chain management –Incorporates several elements that can be implemented and enhanced through the use of the Internet and the Web Models for B2B electronic commerce –Private stores, customer portals –Private marketplaces –Industry consortia-sponsored marketplaces