Post-Independence Latin American Leadership Caudillismo Caudillos
Economic Situation following independence l age of violence- power based on force l Large land owners generally became more powerful and accumulated more land l During wars of independence the Latin American economy was destroyed »trade stopped from »government debt had accumulated and no taxation possible because of weak governments »borrowed from foreign countries l British loans to Argentina, Peru, Chile, Mexico l Export based economy and imports from Europe harmful to local artisans l Regional conflicts in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina
Political Situation l Creole landowners did not involve themselves in politics; retired to haciendas l Vacuum of political power- led to rise of caudillos l Existence of large revolutionary armies –Careers based on talent not wealth –Allowed for mestizo advancement –Caudillos or dictators arose through the military
Political Theory l Tried to imitate western countries Britain, France, and U.S. l All but Brazil (monarchy until 1889) and Mexico briefly set up republics l Constitutions written in all countries but not followed in practice l Struggles over strength of central government versus the states l Liberals denied Indian, African, Spanish heritage looked to France and the United States l Background of Spanish rule based on Catholic Scholasticism of St. Thomas Aquinas--common good of community higher than individuality-monarch needed to protect the common good
Political Parties and Ideologies Liberals l Small shopkeepers, professionals, provincial landowners l Written constitutions l Federal form of government based on United States l State run schools l End of special privileges of clergy and military and the power of the upper class l Wanted more rapid change Conservatives l Wealthy landowners and urbanites l Little faith in constitutions l Highly centralized government l Church run schools l Retention of privileges of church and military l Wanted government to maintain colonial structure, slow change but feared anarchy
Impact on Indigenous Peoples l Lost protection of caste status that had been guaranteed by crown l Neither political party liberal or conservative was concerned with their situation l Lost communal lands or ejidos l Forced into competitive markets instead of cooperative societies l No skills to enter the economic system l Became permanent underclass of workers on large estates indebted to large landowners (debt-peonage)
Slavery in Latin America l Much of Spanish Latin America ended slavery with independence l Slavery lasted longer in plantation areas –Brazil had investment in slavery –Cuba last country to make slavery illegal
Conditions that favored Caudillismo l Based on Spanish model of powerful monarch l Army provided way of advancement l Caudillos accumulated friends and supporters as a way to power l Revolutionary leaders did not accept political responsibilities l Contest between liberals/conservatives federalists and unitarians over form of government
Classification of Caudillos “Elites” l Ideology of progress and the enlightenment ideas l Not responsive to Latin American indigenous culture l Favored the protection of large estates, debt-labor, export economy, centralized power l Total power, ruthless, but did give order, stability, modernization l Supported by Church, army, aristocracy l Example is General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna in Mexico who a conservative who posed as a liberal or took whatever ideology that would benefit his position of power
Classification of Caudillos “Folk” or Populist l Few in number from l Examples –Guatemala - Carrera –Bolivia - Belzu –Argentina - Rosas l Supported by the “Folk” –Policies more based on American values and constructing a society that was less influenced by foreign ideas
Historical Debate l Bradford Burns classification scheme of elite and folk caudillos is not supported by other historians l Additionally his descriptions of some of the folk dictators as benevolent rulers is challenged by others. He and Benjamin Keen have an opposite view of Argentina’s Rosas l As a professor of Latin American history at the University of California in Berkeley he strongly disagreed with US policy in Latin American countries which he claimed overlooked the rights of the masses
Latin America after 1870 l Industrialization most important goal l Investment by foreign countries l Old party lines dissolved as both looked to science and progress l Positivism and neocolonialism l Centralization of government, more stability, fewer changes in government l Progressive caudillos such as »Porfirio Diaz in Mexico
Bibliography Burns, Bradford. Latin America: A Concise Interpretative History Fuentes, Carlos. A New Time for Mexico Hamill, Hugh. Caudillos: Dictators in South America Keen, Benjamin. A History of Latin America Skidmore and Smith. Modern Latin America