Active learning.- Introduction..- Introduction..- Active Learning in our Spanish educational system..- Active Learning in our Spanish educational system..- A few examples from our Team Work..- A few examples from our Team Work..- Learning to Learn, one competence..- Learning to Learn, one competence..- Getting Students to be active..- Getting Students to be active..- Not a play but a Role Play..- Not a play but a Role Play..- Learner autonomy, another competence..- Learner autonomy, another competence.
.- Introduction. - How to follow and connect it to the last part of the project: “Learning to learn”, Active Learning Process and a final play with a reflection from students? - How to follow and connect it to the last part of the project: “Learning to learn”, Active Learning Process and a final play with a reflection from students? - There was a serious need but not a clear path to be taken. - There was a serious need but not a clear path to be taken. A short document or presentation to show how we deal with Active Learning and a few examples of this practising. A short document or presentation to show how we deal with Active Learning and a few examples of this practising.
.- Active Learning in our Spanish Educational System. Spanish Educational Law states that during the process of secondary education our students must work to achieve eight competences. Spanish Educational Law states that during the process of secondary education our students must work to achieve eight competences. Each school will have to adapt these main objectives to their own projects and curriculum. Each school will have to adapt these main objectives to their own projects and curriculum. Every area or subject will include the competences to work on as the aims to get so, they will be key points for evaluation process Every area or subject will include the competences to work on as the aims to get so, they will be key points for evaluation process “Pedagogy autonomy principle", teachers will have to carry out the task but we have some kind of freedom in our work. “Pedagogy autonomy principle", teachers will have to carry out the task but we have some kind of freedom in our work.
“Learning to learn” is one of the competences to be improved here and also another one, the development of the “learner autonomy”. “Learning to learn” is one of the competences to be improved here and also another one, the development of the “learner autonomy”. Both are quite well related as both will require the use of special skills or strategies to be reached within the framework of Active Learning. Both are quite well related as both will require the use of special skills or strategies to be reached within the framework of Active Learning. Active learning then requires new processes, new methods in which the students will become the centre of the education. Active learning then requires new processes, new methods in which the students will become the centre of the education. The old idea of the teacher - centred education must be left behind. The old idea of the teacher - centred education must be left behind.
“Enabling pupils to reflect on their strengths and difficulties and participate in planning learning activities help to stimulate awareness of how they learn. Actively involving pupils in these ways has a positive impact on both their motivation to learn and their development of effective learning strategies” (Jelly, Fuller & Byers, 2000) “Enabling pupils to reflect on their strengths and difficulties and participate in planning learning activities help to stimulate awareness of how they learn. Actively involving pupils in these ways has a positive impact on both their motivation to learn and their development of effective learning strategies” (Jelly, Fuller & Byers, 2000) “ It would be unprofessional to ignore the evidence of students’ own perceptions of their learning” (Claxton G., 2002) “ It would be unprofessional to ignore the evidence of students’ own perceptions of their learning” (Claxton G., 2002) “… By not seeking pupil’s views the teacher is missing important information and also has a limited view of the teaching-learning process…” (Mundy, cited by Rose et al., 1996). “… By not seeking pupil’s views the teacher is missing important information and also has a limited view of the teaching-learning process…” (Mundy, cited by Rose et al., 1996).
.- A few examples from our Team Work. Had we included competences as real objectives in our different programmes? Had we included competences as real objectives in our different programmes? They were being stated in some of our departments (P.E., Maths, English, and Music) at school, although it was not clearly meant how to deal with them. They were being stated in some of our departments (P.E., Maths, English, and Music) at school, although it was not clearly meant how to deal with them. How to associate our different kinds of class work with some possible examples of Active Learning? How to associate our different kinds of class work with some possible examples of Active Learning? Did that also help to improve students’ competences? Did that also help to improve students’ competences?
Actually, we had already been moving on that direction, though sometimes in a very “intuitive” approach. Actually, we had already been moving on that direction, though sometimes in a very “intuitive” approach. A few examples: P.E. choreographies, English 3º Div. A few examples: P.E. choreographies, English 3º Div.
.- Learning to Learn, one competence. “Learn to learn” leads us to the idea of building up strategies and skills that let our students be responsible, take the control of their own learning. “Learn to learn” leads us to the idea of building up strategies and skills that let our students be responsible, take the control of their own learning. It implies a reflexion on the process of learning. It implies a reflexion on the process of learning. A reflexion on the search for the best methods, different sources of teaching- learning. A reflexion on the search for the best methods, different sources of teaching- learning. It will allow the students to know-how to become autonomous, to be able to foster their autonomy in the learning-life process. It will allow the students to know-how to become autonomous, to be able to foster their autonomy in the learning-life process.
What do our students know about this? What do our students know about this? Is that an important matter for them? Is that an important matter for them? Do they have any ideas about this competence? Do they have any ideas about this competence? Let’s see some of their thoughts. Let’s see some of their thoughts.
They are not too far away from a possible definition of “learning to learn” as a competence where the importance of Active learning and meaningful learning are essential. They are not too far away from a possible definition of “learning to learn” as a competence where the importance of Active learning and meaningful learning are essential.
.- Getting Students to be active. Our students become involve in some specific tasks by being the centre of the process. Our students become involve in some specific tasks by being the centre of the process. Teaching methods now mean how to facilitate the whole process of learning. Teaching methods now mean how to facilitate the whole process of learning. The use of Creative Work is one of the possible ways to show how active learning may work. The use of Creative Work is one of the possible ways to show how active learning may work. Just a short role play to see and show the important matter, the process being followed. Just a short role play to see and show the important matter, the process being followed.
The students’ learning has been achieved by getting involved in the task, by becoming active when controlling the whole activity and creating a final product on their own. The students’ learning has been achieved by getting involved in the task, by becoming active when controlling the whole activity and creating a final product on their own. A role play, a very common example of an activity which involves Active Learning, which is connected to teaching, too, to the role of the teacher in that complex process which is learning. A role play, a very common example of an activity which involves Active Learning, which is connected to teaching, too, to the role of the teacher in that complex process which is learning. Let’s see why and how Let’s see why and how
.- It requires a low input from the teacher but it means a high output for students..- It requires a low input from the teacher but it means a high output for students..- Teacher centred presentation phase is very short..- Teacher centred presentation phase is very short..- Students plunge into the activity to accomplish the task..- Students plunge into the activity to accomplish the task..- They practise structures and functions presented before..- They practise structures and functions presented before..- They will retained them easily because they are rooted in a meaningful context.
.- It must be seen as the active phase of learning..- Teacher is not a frightening item here then learning takes place more effectively..- Teacher is not a frightening item here then learning takes place more effectively..- Students carry out this activity for themselves..- The emphasis is placed on “play” rather than “role”..- The emphasis is placed on “play” rather than “role”..- Students can talk about what went well..- Students can talk about what went well.
.- Not a play but a Role Play. The linguistic basis is how to show worries to others and how to give advice to face those worries: The linguistic basis is how to show worries to others and how to give advice to face those worries: 1. It is a meaningful activity. 2. They have some material to revise, and some useful vocabulary to use or to check. 3. It is group work. 4. They have to use new language in a complex situation. 5. The control over the task creates a positive atmosphere. 6. They are able to show others their personal learning. 7. The evaluation was very positive. 8. Mistakes are part of the language-learning process. 9. The teacher role here is the organizer and observer of the activity. 10. (…R. P that are practised, learnt by heart or performed for others are no longer RPs but, … have become dramatic performances)
.- Learner autonomy, another competence. Active Learning must also be associated with the autonomy a person should develop to make possible his/her permanent learning. Active Learning must also be associated with the autonomy a person should develop to make possible his/her permanent learning. Our students need to acquire those strategies that allow them to learn in all different ways. Our students need to acquire those strategies that allow them to learn in all different ways. The ability to use the ICTs to improve their knowledge and their learning in an autonomous way. The ability to use the ICTs to improve their knowledge and their learning in an autonomous way.
When we talk about Active Learning we must mention another important competence, so that another aim to be reached in the process of education and learning: When we talk about Active Learning we must mention another important competence, so that another aim to be reached in the process of education and learning: The capacity to show the Learner Autonomy, an The capacity to show the Learner Autonomy, an enhanced capacity for the life-long learning. enhanced capacity for the life-long learning.
We can only learn if we want to learn and take an active role in our learning. We can only learn if we want to learn and take an active role in our learning. The ability to gain knowledge is far better than knowledge itself. The ability to gain knowledge is far better than knowledge itself. Giving students more autonomy can have a positive effect on motivation. Giving students more autonomy can have a positive effect on motivation. Once we think in ourselves as facilitating learning rather than leading, conttrolling and teaching, we can focus more closely on students and what they are doing. This shift of focus benefits students as it gives them a much more active role in the classroom. Once we think in ourselves as facilitating learning rather than leading, conttrolling and teaching, we can focus more closely on students and what they are doing. This shift of focus benefits students as it gives them a much more active role in the classroom. Students who are succesful are those who take some responsability for their learning. Teachers can promote this by encouraging and fostering students`ability to remember, learn, extrapolate and achieve on their own. Students who are succesful are those who take some responsability for their learning. Teachers can promote this by encouraging and fostering students`ability to remember, learn, extrapolate and achieve on their own.
Integrating the competences into the teaching and learning process has a direct impact on teaching methodology. Integrating the competences into the teaching and learning process has a direct impact on teaching methodology. So, building up competences among students can only be achieved by getting them involved into a process of Active Learning. So, building up competences among students can only be achieved by getting them involved into a process of Active Learning.
Bibliography: Bibliography:.-Learning for the Future, Dimensions of the New Role of the Teacher, Magnus Persson (ed), Sweden A Vision of European Teaching and Learning, Perspectives on the New Role of the Teacher, Magnus Persson (ed), Sweden R. Lowes and F. Target, Helping Students to Learn, a Guide to Learner Autonomy, Richmond Publishing, Spain G. P. Ladousse, Role Play, Alan Maley(ed.) OUP, R R. Tuñas y G. M. Urgel, El Trabajo en grupo, OUP, Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: Aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación. MECD, 2002