Food Studies Standards of Professionalism in the Food Service Industry
Positive Traits for Success The emphasis in food service education is often on learning a set of skills. In many ways, attitude can be more important than skills. With a good attitude, you can learn skills and overcome difficulties
1. Positive Attitude Toward the Job Quick Efficient Neat Safe Take pride in work Work is something to be proud of
2. Staying Power physical and mental stamina is a requirement good health ability to work hard IT IS HARD WORK !
3. Ability To Work With People Teamwork is required Cooperation with fellow workers is essential Able to take direction
4. Eagerness to Learn There is more to learn about cooking than you will learn in your entire lifetime.
5. Experience One of America’s most respected chefs has said, “You don’t really know how to cook a dish until you have done it a thousand times.”
6. Dedication To Quality The only distinction worth making is that between well prepared food and poorly prepared food. High quality does not necessarily mean high price. To produce quality food, you have to want to, it isn’t enough to know how.
7. Good Understanding of Basics Experimentation and innovation are the order of the day. To innovate you have to know where you are starting from, that is, you must have a thorough knowledge of the basic skills.
Questions 1.List seven positive traits an individual should have to succeed as a professional in food service and preparation. 2.Explain how a positive attitude in class lab work (food preparation) will be evident. Specifically address quickness, efficiency, neatness and safety during a cooking lab. 3.What do you think the chef mentioned earlier meant when he said you have to make a dish a thousand times? 4.Is it necessary to use expensive ingredients to produce quality food? Why or why not? 5.Why do you think that it is important to have a professional attitude toward food preparation education right now (in high school)?