A Presentation by Terry Bond Adjunct Faculty Kaplan University
Endocrine System Objectives: ▪ Identify organs and structures of the endocrine system ▪ Define and spell word parts related to the endocrine system ▪ Define and spell surgical and diagnostic terms related to the endocrine system ▪ Define and spell complementary terms
Anatomical Structures Endocrine system is a series of glands which release hormones that regulate body activities. These glands include: pituitary, thymus, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas (Islets of Langerhaus), ovaries, and testes.
Glands and Their Hormones Released Pituitary GlandMaster gland - Growth hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone ACTH Follicle stimulating hormone Prolactin Thryoid/Parathryoid GlandsParathormone Thryoxine (T4) Trilodohyronine (T3) Thymus GlandThymosin Adrenal GlandCorticosteroids Adrenalin OvariesEstrogen TestesTestosterone PancreasInsulin Glucagon
Let’s Practice Build some terms from these word roots: Adren/o Calcium Thyroid Pituitary Glyc/
Match the following: 1.Diabetes Mellitusa. Condition of hyperthyroidism, goiter, and exophthalmos 2.Goiterb. Deficiency is secretion of hormones from adrenals 3.Tetanyc. Chronic elevated BS due to a problem with carbohydrate metabolism 4.Addison’s Diseased. Muscle tightening due to low calcium 5.Grave’s Diseasee. Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Diagnostic Studies Electrolyte studies: glucose, calcium, potassium Thyroid lab values Nuclear medicine scans Radioactive Iodine Uptake Thyroid Scan HbA1C – measurement of the average BS over the life span of the red blood cell
ABBREVIATIONS DI - Diabetes Insipidus DM – Diabetes Mellitus FBS – Fasting Blood Sugar T4 - Thyroxine T3 - Triiodothyronine