Justification by faith, Rom. 1:16, 17 Not works alone, 4:1-4 Not by the Old Law, 7:4 Not by pedigree, 9:7, 8
Conclusions to the theme, Rom Justification is a blessing Justification brings obligations »Give self to Lord, Rom. 12:1 »Changed person, Rom. 12:2
Not too high or low, 3 1 Cor. 4:6; 12:15-25 Skills Intelligence, knowledge Importance
Many members, one body, 4-8 Eph. 4:4; Mt. 25:14, 15 Prophecy, Acts 20:27 Ministry, Acts 6:1-6 Teaches, 2 Tim. 2:2 Exhorts, Acts 4:36
Many members, one body, 4-8 Eph. 4:4; Mt. 25:14, 15 Gives, Eph. 4:28; 2 Cor. 8:1, 2 Leads, Heb. 13:17; Acts 20:28 Shows mercy, Lk. 15:32
General exhortations, 9 Love without hypocrisy, 1 Pt. 1:22 Abhor evil, Psa. 119:104 Cling to good, Prov. 23:23
Specific exhortation, Kindly affectionate, 1 Thes. 4:9, 10 Giving preference, Phil. 2:3, 4 Not lagging in diligence, Heb. 11:6 Rejoicing in hope, Eph. 4:4
Specific exhortation, Patient in tribulation, 2 Thes. 1:4 Continuing in prayer, 1 Thes. 5:17 Distributing to saints, 1 Jn. 3:17, 18 Given to hospitality, Heb. 13:2
Specific exhortation, Bless persecutors, Mt. 5:44 Rejoice with others, Phil. 2:17, 18 Weep with others, 1 Cor. 12:26 Be of same mind, Phil. 2:2
Do not repay evil with evil, 17 Makes matters worse Lower yourself Feelings of regret
Live in peace when possible, 18 Not always possible Cannot have peace with all, Mt. 10:34
Do not take vengeance, 19, 20 Suppress vengeful feelings Examples of Joseph & Jesus
Overcome evil with good, 21 Complement for cursing Sympathy for slander Forthrightness for fraud
Justification by faith, Rom. 1:16, 17 Not works alone, 4:1-4 Not by the Old Law, 7:4 Not by pedigree, 9:7, 8
Conclusions to the theme, Rom Justification is a blessing Justification brings obligations »Give self to Lord, Rom. 12:1 »Changed person, Rom. 12:2