Job Placement and Retention Consultancy Conference Call June 20, – 4 p.m. EST
Facilitator: Jennifer Freeman, Program Director, TAACCCT Learning Network, Jobs for the Future Grantee: Linda Hess, Regional Project Manager, Advanced Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Quality Consortium, North Central State College, Round 3 Presenters
Stages: Time Allowed: Introduction and overview 5 minutes Presentation of the problem 10 minutes Clarifying and probing questions 10 minutes Group discussion 15 minutes Presenter responds 15 minutes Reflection/ Resources/ Next Call 5 minutes Introduction and Overview—5 minutes
Overview of the problem: Though there are many entry level job openings in the area, we are having problems with placement and retention. This seems to correlate directly with barriers such as transportation (as we are a very rural area with limited public transportation), clientele not being work ready, and participants with compromised backgrounds. The questions we have for you are: –What are some innovative ways transportation issues have been resolved? –What have been your most successful techniques for retention? –Outside of the Federal Bonding Program, what do you do to address compromised backgrounds? –What do you do to help participants who are on public assistance to transition to employment? Presentation of the Problem—10 minutes
Do you need information to help clarify the problem? Are there any facts that you need in order to brainstorm solutions? Do you have any questions that could help the presenter think about the problem in a new light? Examples: –Since the positions are entry level, students will probably still qualify for some assistance after securing employment (e.g. child care and health care subsidies). Do you have health and social service agency partners to help identify those resources? Are the career counselors trained to inform students on transitioning from full assistance to employment? –Could the employers facilitate ride-sharing between employees? Questions—10 minutes
Discussion may address: –Transportation solutions? –Broadening the employer pool? –Successful retention techniques? –Addressing issues of compromised backgrounds? –Helping access social services? Warm feedback examples: –What are the strengths in this situation? –What’s the good news here? Cooler –Where are the gaps? –What isn’t the presenter considering? General –I wonder what would happen if...? –I wonder why...? Group Discussion—15 minutes
The presenter may respond to what they’ve heard during your discussion and everyone can discuss the problem and potential solutions. Presenter Responds—15 minutes
Resources for Job Placement and Retention –Compendium of Promising Practices Abstracts-Job Placement pendium_of_Promising_Practices_Abstracts_-_Job_Placement pendium_of_Promising_Practices_Abstracts_-_Job_Placement –Participant Placement Strategies: Case study of Technical Retraining to Achieve Credentials (TRAC-7) cipant_Placement_Strategies cipant_Placement_Strategies –Intrusive Student Support and Contextualized Developmental Education transformative-change/intrusive-support.pdf?sfvrsn=6 transformative-change/intrusive-support.pdf?sfvrsn=6 –Creating Resiliency and Pathways to Opportunity transformative-change/resiliency.pdf transformative-change/resiliency.pdf
How has the consultancy experience been for you? Do you have any observations to share about the process, or the results of the process? Reflection—5 minutes
Next Month’s Conference Call Volunteers?
TAACCCT Learning Network at a Glance U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration (National) Jobs for the FutureMaher & Maher American Association of Community Colleges CalState/Merlot U.S. National Science Foundation ATE Centers Other Non-Federal Providers of TA and Resources for TAACCCT Grantees: Creative Commons CAST The Transformative Change Initiative
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