PURPOSE OF QUESTIONNAIRE Collect measurable data from a specific group of people Success of Questionnaire= Response rate Response rate is how many people actually respond to your survey To increase response rate Good formatting Good directions Good question order
FORMATTING Makes it easy for respondent to read and complete Response rate increases Good formatting will reduce errors Less likely to misread or overlook Good graphic design and layout
STARTING YOUR SURVEY FORMAT Establish a goal- what the survey is to accomplish Define your topics Consider question wording and ordering Avoid bias or leading questions Determine length of survey Valid and Reliable?
COMPONENTS OF YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE Title Give your questionnaire a title Directions/instructions Clarify what you want the respondent to do and why Question Ordering Ask personal demographic questions last Minimum of age and gender Grouping of question types Multiple choice Rating Yes/no Questions must be clear, logical and consistent in appearance (font and font size) Questions must be language appropriate Include a thank you at the end Provide space for additional comments
PAGE DESIGN/ COLOR 1 in margins One page Blue and yellow improve response rates over black and white Contrasting colors more appropriate Use dark color for questions, lighter color for answers People prefer putting x’s in boxes Easy eye navigation Paper color does not effect response rates