5/8/2013 p. 1 10/25/13 Olivier Guyon, University of Arizona Ruslan Belikov, NASA ARC AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Fabrication and Specifications Plan Architecture: PIAA The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Key Components per Architecture 2 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. As per Peter Lawson’s ACW 2 TRL presentation, the following list are the key components we would like detailed information. These are the components believed to be the lowest TRL in your systems. Please use one page per component when responding. If your design has introduced a new key component since ACW 2 then please add it as well. PIAA - PIAA Mirrors - Apodizer (likely no development needed, may not be necessary for 3 l/D design) - Phase-shifting focal-plane mask (may not be necessary for the 3 l/D design) - Exit pupil (likely no development needed)
Description –Provide a brief summary of the function of each key components listed on slide 2. PIAA mirrors: apodize the pupil in a way that enables blocking all starlight with relatively simple masks, while preserving almost the full throughput, PSF sharpness and inner working angle of the telescope Apodizer: Simplifies mirror design, relaxes requirements on mirrors and wavefront control Phase-shifting mask (may only be necessary for the 1.3 l/D design): modulates the light in such a way as to cause it to fall completely outside the Lyot stop mask (by causing complete destructive interference inside the Lyot stop). Exit pupil stop: reject starlight that still remains after the occulter –Insert a drawing that details the design and specifications of the component. –Provide the detailed information requested in the spreadsheet provided by K. Balasubramanian (attached to this ). Look for your one tab only. PIAA Mirror Manufacturer –Provide name and address. Axsys Tinsley JPL/Nu-Tek –Manufacturing techniques to be used. Diamond turning (possibly with e-beam) Narrow Ion Beam Figuring –Heritage, if any, in fabricating your key components. Axsys (2005) Tinsley (2008) JPL/Nu-Tek (2010) Acceptance Criteria –List the quantitative or qualitative test(s) that will be used to evaluate that the device has met the design requirements. Surface figure measurements System wavefront measurements Scope 3 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Three types of PIAA optics Tinsley L3: –~$500K –Better than 5nm rms wavefront error –Almost any shape possible –Component TRL 5-6 –Low-risk solution Commercial Diamond Turning (e.g. Axsys, Nu-Tek) –~$200K in 2005 for the optics + aligned bench from Axsys –~$10K today for the optics only –Higher wavefront error, higher risk (but can be mitigated by e-beam corrections for low curvature optics –Should be the first ones we evaluate for AFTA 4 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Tinsley PIAA: the best but expensive One pair was made, designed for 1e-9 contrast in a 10% band. One pair was made, designed for 1e-9 contrast in a 10% band. Fabricated by a custom Narrow Ion Beam Figuring (NIBF) process on Zerodur Fabricated by a custom Narrow Ion Beam Figuring (NIBF) process on Zerodur Tested at ACE and HCIT-2, currently being re-installed at HCIT Tested at ACE and HCIT-2, currently being re-installed at HCIT Ruslan Belikov, NASA Ames Coronagraph Laboratory The L3-Tinsley NIBF (Narrow Ion Beam Figuring) system PIAA Mirrors
Tinsley PIAA Mirror Broadband Performance Ruslan Belikov, NASA Ames Coronagraph Laboratory PIAA M2 error map (3.8nm RMS for 0-90 cycles per aperture) PIAA M1 error map (4.65nm RMS for 0-90 cycles per aperture) Simulation of 2DM broadband wavefront control (contrast better than 1e-9 in a 10% band around 800nm) (Also see higher fidelity simulations by Krist et. al.)
Axsys PIAA Mirrors 7 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. Nickel-plated diamond turned Al (Axsys, 2005) 2 sets (4 mirrors on 2 benches)
Cheap (~$5K) Diamond-turned PIAA mirrors (Balasubramanian et al.) 8 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. System wavefront $3K PIAA mirrors made by JPL, desidned for broadband (but tested at ACE in monochromatic light) Manufacturing process: diamond turning by Nu-Tek (can be followed by electron beam lithography to improve residual errors) Process can deliver good mirrors at least for lower-performance PIAA designs (3 l/D IWA) at a fraction of the cost of the high-performance PIAA mirrors.
Show a development schedule for each key component. Show at minimum the following milestones on a timeline so that durations are visible: –manufacturing design completed and tolerances defined 12/13 –manufacturer on contract (if relevant) Tinsley / Commercial Diamond-turning (e.g. Axsys or Nu-Tek) –manufacturing begins 1 / 14 –component delivered to HCIT (or GSFC in the case of the Lyon VNC) Tinsley, : 4/14 (?) ; Commercial Diamond-turning JPL: 2/14 (?) Nick’s schedule in the Appendix will show how the key technologies can be brought to TRL 5 by FY17. If your key component deliveries fit into his schedule and you generally agree with the timescales and testing approach then you can just say the TRL 5 schedule look reasonable for your mask. If your delivery schedule does not fit then explain how you expect to meet the TRL 5 milestone with less demonstration time. –VNC will have to develop their own schedule to TRL 5 but can use whatever delivery schedules for common components (e.g. LOWFS, simulators, IFS, etc) are included in Nick’s baseline plan. TRL 5 Schedule 9 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
TRL 5 Cost Estimate (in development) Estimate the costs to fabricate, test, and deliver your key components. –Include workforce costs when relevant. Tinsley (if necessary): $500K Commercial diamond-turning: $10K (per pair) –Is yield expected to be part of the process? If so please explain why and factor yield into your cost estimates. Yield expected to be 100% –The cost for the “common” coronagraph components are not needed if you agree with Nick’s cost estimates (see Appendix Gap List for preliminary cost estimates) LOWFS may need to be made more aggressive if going with the 1.3 l/D option Estimate the costs to deliver additional key components if needed (should be just the recurring cost). –Each additional PIAA set would also be ~ $10K (per pair) What human resources, if any, will you request funding over the next three years if your architecture is selected (apart from the HCIT staff)? –Guyon at 0.2 FTE or ~$40K/year –Belikov at 0.4 FTE or ~$80K/year –Other labor: ~3FTEs, or ~$600K/year 10 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
TRL 6 Technical Concerns What risks exist in your key components not passing environmental testing for a TRL 6 assessment? The following are possible tests: –Radiation testing GEO surface charging concern –Survival temperatures (typically between +5 to +50 C) –Thermal vacuum –Random vibration note: Vibe levels for low mass items are very high prior to coupled loads analysis. –Shock –Acoustic –Pre- and post- alignment, functionality Any other environmental exposure risks that could damage a flight part? –Exposure risks identical to other mirrors in the system Are there any concerns in fabricating your key components to meet TRL 6 fit, form, and function requirements by FY19. Given TRL5 PIAA mirrors, any additional risk is the same as for all other mirrors 11 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Concerns and Risks List and explain your concerns to fabricate and deliver your key components to meet your schedule. List any other concerns or risks re the manufacturability of your key components. –Examples: never been fabricated before, new size, new materials 12 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Appendix 13
Preliminary HCIT TRL 5 Plan Nick Siegler 10/15/13 14 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Schedule Comments 15 Assumptions: –For planning purposes only: we assume classic Lyot coronagraph (eg VV, HBL, PIAA, SPM) –Mask fabrication is given 65 work days (~ 3 calendar months) from January selection –Assume a second fabrication iteration for the primary mask/apodizer only Schedule Constraints: –TRL-5 to be achieved by beginning of FY17 –TRL-6 to be achieved by beginning of FY19 –HCIT-1 available 1/1/14 (currently demonstrating VV broadband performance under Gene Serabyn TDEM 10) –HCIT-2 available 4/1/14 (currently demonstrating PIAA broadband performance under Olivier Guyon TDEM 10) The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations; release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
16 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. Phase 2: Static Wavefront Systems-Level Testbed Demonstration Objective: Demonstrate static wavefront performance in fully-assembled coronagraph vacuum testbed with simulated AFTA-WFIRST telescope pupil. Key Demonstration Objectives Coronagraph masks/apodizers for AFTA obscured pupil Two-DM configuration Wavefront control algorithms developed Static wavefront performance: o 1e-8 contrast o 2% 10% BW One 10% bandpass centered at 550 nm Simulated light from star
17 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization. Phase 3: Dynamic Wavefront Systems-Level Testbed Demonstration Objective: Demonstrate dynamic wavefront performance in fully-assembled coronagraph vacuum testbed with simulated AFTA-WFIRST telescope pupil in a dynamic env’t. Key Demonstration Objectives: TRL 5 Dynamic OTA simulator DM/FSM integrated assembly LOWFS/C and algorithms developed Dynamic wavefront performance: o 1e-8 raw contrast o 2% 10% BW o IFS (R>70 TBD) One 10% bandpass centered at 550 nm Planet simulation and extraction o 1e-9 detection contrast (likely after FY17 start) Post processing
Additional Schedule Comments 18 HCIT-1 is scheduled to be ready on 4/11/14 to receive a mask/apodizer. –A mask/apodizer that is manufactured and delivered to the HCIT by 4/11 will have the maximum schedule durations: 10.5 mo to meet static testing goals – Phase 2 (includes schedule for a second mask fabrication iteration) 6.5 mo to meet dynamic testing goals – Phase mo of total schedule reserve –Masks/apodizers delivered after this date will either have less than the maximum durations, consume released schedule reserve, or not have scheduled time for a second mask iteration. HCIT-2 will be ready by 7/3/14 with the same maximum testing durations available as HCIT-1. The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations; release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
Coronagraph Tech Dev Top Level Schedule Preliminary The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Technology Gap List (1/3) 20 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Technology Gap List (2/3) 21 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.
AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Technology Gap List (3/3) 22 The technical data in this document is controlled under the U.S. Export Regulations, release to foreign persons may require an export authorization.