Life in the Big City
New York City Population in 1860: 800,000 Population in 1900: 3,500,000 Where should we put our stuff?
The Rise of the Skyscraper Land was limited and expensive Steel was stronger and cheaper The elevator was invented
Evolution of Mass Transit First there were horse cars Then came cable cars Next the electric trolley Finally came the subway
Get Rich or Die Tryin’ Horatio Alger Jr. wrote 100s of “rags-to-riches”novels. Fiction or nonfiction?
What’s Your Area Code? Where you lived depended on your salary. Average industrial worker’s annual income: –$490 Middle-class annual salary for college professor: –$1,100 Annual income of John D. Rockefeller: –$60,000,000
Big City: Big Problems Raging Growth produces Problems Crime Violence Disease Poor sanitation Infrastructure Disparity of wealth Says Boss Tweed: Don’t worry- I’ve got a solution!
Political Machines and Party Bosses
And Now Some Definitions… Political Machine: an informal political group designed to gain and keep power. Party Boss: politicians who ran political machines of big cities. Graft- getting money through dishonest means.
Questions: Why did growing Cities have so many problems? Why didn’t the government step in to solve the problems of growing cities? What did boss tweed do to become so popular with the people? Why were poor people so aware of how poor they were?