CBA/Common Assessment Analysis Protocol ILT November 3, 2015
Protocols What are they? Agreed upon guidelines for a conversation Vehicles for building skills and culture necessary to do collaborative work Why use them? Provide safe environment to ask challenging questions of one another Make efficient and effective use of time resources What are they not? Task to perform, form to fill out
Levels of analysis Level of focus Campus, Course, Teacher Student subgroup Individual student Item Level of performance results Student expectation Item performance and response distribution Connections and alignment Assessment Curriculum Instructional delivery
Use of this protocol Users PLCs Individual teachers Other campus teams Applications CBAs Campus common (unit) assessments Resources needed Aware reports Forethought lesson plans and curriculum documents Other student-level information
Aware reports needed 1, 2, , 7, 8
Strengths 6.9C 7.5A 7.6A 85% 89% 84% What did we do that worked well?How can we continue to improve?
Opportunities for improvement What did we do that didn’t work as well as we hoped? How can we improve this for next time? What can we do now to ensure students master SEs?
Variation between teachers Why is there variation between teachers? How can we improve consistency in the future?
Subgroup performance What can we do now to close learning gaps and keep students from slipping farther behind? Hispanic7.12E
Individual students Why are we concerned? Who are we concerned about? What will we do to intervene?
Item responses What must students know and do? What are stumbling blocks and misconceptions?
Distractors and guessing Distractor
Distractors and guessing Guessing?
Relate items to instruction What must students know and do that may not have been addressed during instruction? How will we make sure to address these issues in the future?
Expectations PLCs use protocols to guide data discussions PLCs / teachers use analysis of CBA results and assessment items to: Inform and align instruction Calibrate teacher-made or campus common assessments Target and intervene with low performing groups or individual students
Support Guidance documents/video Campus visits by C&I staff upon request