Results Conclusions Students had positive views of statements in the interprofessional teamwork and team-based practice and patient outcomes from collaborative practice domains. Most students had little professional bias, and students saw the benefit of working with team members from other professions on patients’ health outcomes. Students’ understanding/perception of roles/responsibilities for collaborative practice was lower than the other domains. This is an area for future development and additional focus. Brandy Cooper 1,2 ; Dr. Nalin Payakachat, Bpharm, MSc, PhD 1 ; Dr. Kathryn Neill, PharmD 1 ; Dr. Lanita White, PharmD 1,2 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy 1,12 th Street Health and Wellness Center 2 Attitudes and Perceptions toward Interprofessional Education among Health Professional Students Background Methods Number of Students: 214 Participants’ Average Age: 27 (SD 8.5) 74% had worked/volunteered on an interprofessional team 69% had volunteered in our HWC In the past 6 months: 66% volunteered 1-2 times, 18% 3-4 times, 10% 5-6, 12% >6 times Interprofessional education (IPE) has been implemented in the curricula of various health professions. Purpose: assess attitudes and perceptions toward IPE among health professional students in a public medical sciences institution and to explore whether previous experience in an IPE environment affected students’ attitudes and perceptions. In September 2014, a cross-sectional study using an online survey was conducted for students registered to volunteer at a student-led health and wellness center (HWC). The survey included demographics and the modified Physician-Pharmacist Interprofessional Clinical Education (SPICE-R) instrument. SPICE-R has 10 items categorized into 3 domains: IP teamwork and team-based practice Roles/responsibilities for collaborative practice Patient outcomes from collaborative practice The response scale ranges from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) Descriptive statistics were generated. Survey QuestionsAverage Score Interprofessional teamwork and team-based practice Working with students from another health profession enhances my education.4.47 Clinical rotations are the ideal place within their respective curricula for health professional students to interact Health professionals should collaborate on interprofessional teams.4.51 During their education, health professional students should be involved in teamwork with students from other health professions in order to understand their respective roles Participating in educational experiences with students from another health profession enhances my future ability to work on an interprofessional team All health professional students should be educated to establish collaborative relationships with members of other health professions Roles/responsibilities for collaborative practice I understand the roles of other health professionals within an interprofessional team.3.92 My role within an interprofessional healthcare team is clearly defined.3.87 Patient outcomes from collaborative practice Patient satisfaction is improved when patients are treated by a team that consists of individuals from two or more health professions Health outcomes are improved when patients are treated by a team that consists of individuals from two or more health professions 4.50 Dominguez DG, Fike DS, MacLaughlin EJ, Zorek JA. A comparison of the validity of two Instruments assessing health professional student perceptions of interprofessional education and practice. J Interprof Care Aug 7 [Epub ahead of print] Reference