English II Lesson One
factious DefinitionExample (adj) causing disagreement syn: belligerent; contentious ant: cooperative; united The factious sailors refused to sail any farther into the storm.
ignoble DefinitionExample (adj) dishonorable; shameful syn: despicable; base ant: noble; glorious Cheating on an exam is an ignoble way to get good grades.
boor DefinitionExample (n) a rude or impolite person syn: buffoon; clown ant: sophisticate The boor grabbed handfuls of hors d’oeuvres and walked around while he ate them.
aegis DefinitionExample (n) a shield; protection syn: backing The life of the witness is under the aegis of the witness protection program.
perspicacity DefinitionExample (n) keenness of judgment syn: perceptiveness ant: stupidity; ignorance The old hermit still had the perspicacity to haggle with the automotive dealer.
fervent DefinitionExample (adj) eager; earnest syn: burning; passionate ant: apathetic We made a fervent attempt to capture the stallion, but he was too quick for us.
rectify DefinitionExample (v) to correct; to make right syn: remedy; resolve JoAnne tried to rectify her poor relationship with her son by spending time with him.
enervate DefinitionExample (v) to weaken syn: devitalize; exhaust ant: energize; strengthen The record temperatures enervated the farmhands before noon.
besiege DefinitionExample (v) to overwhelm; to surround and attack People jumped from the ground and brushed themselves off as ants besieged the picnic.
ephemeral DefinitionExample (adj) lasting only a brief time; short-lived syn: transient; fleeting ant: permanent The gardener experienced ephemeral fame the year she grew a half-ton pumpkin.
altruism DefinitionExample (n) a concern for others; generosity syn: unselfishness; magnanimity ant: selfishness; egoism A person with altruism will usually stop and help a stranded motorist.
carrion DefinitionExample (n) decaying flesh The carrion along the desert highway was a feast for the vultures.
erotic DefinitionExample (adj) pertaining to sexual love The museum staff cancelled the exhibition when it saw the erotic sculptures.
amorphous DefinitionExample (adj) shapeless, formless, vague What began as an amorphous idea in Steven’s dream turned into a revolutionary way to power automobiles.
opulent DefinitionExample (adj) rich, luxurious; wealthy Despite the stock market crash, the wealthy family continued its opulent lifestyle.