TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 127 Date: March 16/17, 2012 Titles: “Unit Cover for Roaring 20’s, Great Depression, WWII” Page 126. Ch. 17/18 Vocab Quiz Progressives and NC Reforms Quiz WWI Quiz Test Answer Sheet
TITLE: Page 129 Homework: *Make sure all late, missing, absent, and test correction work is complete before March 27 th ! Next Tuesday! Check Parent Assist and/or back wall for updated grades! *Edmodo Post! Date: March 20/23/24, 2012 Titles: “Industrialization DBQ” Page 128 RAP: Creating America p. 590 “A Voice from the Past” WIO: Write a thesis statement which answers the main question using at least 2 PERSIA themes. WOW: 1)RAP 2)“Industrialization DBQ” Analyze all documents on DBQ following all 5 steps. How do primary sources show differing opinions on what factors impacted the growth of industrialization?
TITLE: Why is it called the Roaring 20’s and how did it lead to the Great Depression? Page 131 Homework: Read/ highlight/ Complete Great Depression Graph Sheet *Edmodo Post! Date: March 21 (B Day)/ March 26 th (A day), 2012 Titles: Roaring 20’s Notes, Ch. 19 Sec 3 and Ch. 20 Vocab Page 130 RAP: Test tracker for Goal 5 WIO: Flapper Sensory Figure-collected for a GRADE!!! Please turn in! Use Vocab and Ch. 19 Sec 3 to fill in sentences WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 19 Sec 3 and Ch. 20 Sec 1 and 2 Vocab” 3)“Roaring 20’s Notes” Please see notes attached
TITLE: Page 133 Homework: *Depression Programs WS- Read, Highlight key facts, fill out questions. *Make sure all late, missing, absent, and test correction work is complete and turned in! *Edmodo Post! Date: March 27/28, 2012 Titles: “Great Depression Graph, Stock Market Crash, Causes of Great Depression” Page 132 RAP: WIO: Ticket Out the Door- Identify the 7 themes we learned about in today’s Jigsaw through images. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Great Depression Graph” 3)“Stock Market Crash” simulation 4)“Causes of the Great Depression” Graphic organizer 5)WIO What were the contributing factors to cause the Great Depression? Creating America p “Recession Vs. Depression” T-Chart -Write 3 notes on what each is by definition.
TITLE: Page 135 Homework: * Depression Thought Bubbles- 2 sentences for each *Study for Quiz on Roaring 20’s and Great Depression *Edmodo Post! Date: March 29/April 2, 2012 Titles: “Great Depression Leaders, New Deal Notes, Bust” Page 134 RAP: WIO: 3 interesting facts from the video 1) 2) 3) WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Great Depression Leaders” 3)“New Deal Notes” Notes from group work reading. NC Book Ch. 20. Take notes 4)“Bust” Video Guide 5)WIO WIO from last class, p. 132 on separate sheet of paper How did President Roosevelt bring the US out of the Great Depression?
TITLE: Page 137 Homework: Ch. 21 Vocabulary Sections 1-4 Finish WWII Graphic Organizer as needed *Edmodo Post! Date: April 10/11, 2012 Titles: “Great Depression Thought Bubbles, WWII Overview, WWII in Europe CZ” Page 136 RAP: Complete all 3 Parts 1) Creating America book p. 755 “Interact with History” #1,2 2) Causes for WWII- Nationalism, Alliances, militarism, and ______________ 3) List the Dictator with his country WIO: WWII Graphic Organizer – Use Creating America starting on p. 757 and/or NC Book starting on p. 467 to fill in WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Great Depression Thought Bubbles” 3)“WWII Overview” read, highlight, answer 4)“WWII in Europe”-Classzone.com 5)WIO How did dictatorships start WWII and how did the US play a role in the European theater?