COMMUNICATION STRATEGY for the EUSBSR NC meeting / Warsaw 29 October 2015
Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 Does EUSBSR matter to me? Issues and results matter! What do we want to say? Does it mean something to me? What do they want to know? Relevance
– Limited resources for communication – Language is difficult to understand – Variations in political commitment CONCLUSION: ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT BY ALL ACTORS INVOLVED PLUS POINTING REOURCES Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 Study on Communication by DEA Baltika in 2012
Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 We have been and are in this issue together DG Regio INTERACT and Task Force Key stakeholders
Strength Clear roles and responsibilities Weakness Unclear decision making process Opportunities Improve internal communication Threats Cross networking between PACs and HACs not much highlighted Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 SWOT
Communicating the positive change – Spread the achievements – Make people care (not just aware) – Ensure information sharing Create a sense of community Show how working together and pool resources Transnational challenges need transnational solutions Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 Communication objectives ….
Promote the existence of EUSBSR Number of visitors on EUSBSR web Number of visitors on national webs Promote the existence of EUSBSR Number of tweets on the EUSBSR tweet account Raise awareness among stakeholders Number of followers on the EUSBSR YouTube followers Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 … and indicators some examples
Internal groupsExternal groups MS/NCPolicy makers PAC/HACNetworks, e.g. Science journalists BSR GovernmentsCompanies / business area FlagshipsResearchers and students European CommissionPotential project partners Local and regional actors/NGOsOther actors Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 The most important target groups We need a flow of information between MS despite of national languages, between PA and HA and we need to highlight achievements from Flagships.
KISS rule (Keep it short and simple) Set of examples Mission statement Slogan Ownership /Annex 1 Activity plan / Mandatory tasks / Annex 2 Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015 Key messages
Choosing the means and audiences is a demanding job Seminars Articles Social media Speeches Elevator talks Reporters Bloggers Publications Networks Wikipedia EUSBSR for dummies Video clips …… Communication Strategy / NC / 29 October 2015
Thank you for the cooperation in the field of communication!