Homeroom If you have any completed paperwork to turn in, make sure your first/last is written on all papers. Turn these forms in to the blue basket on the desk located at the back of the classroom (near bulletin board). Complete crossword puzzle
What Do You Expect? Now that I've told you my expectations of a good student, what are your expectations of a good teacher? Tell me about the best teacher you've ever had. What made that person such a good teacher? Now that I've told you some of my ideas about how we will go about learning this year's material, tell me about how you learn best. Give me an example of a project or activity where you learned a lot. Describe the project in detail.
Review What are 6 procedures/rules for Georgia History that you can remember from yesterday? Review Questions & Answers
KNIGHT Discipline Plan School wide Implemented January 2010 Review Infractions & Consequences FSMS Administration
What’s On Your Mind? Using the graphic organizer, I would like for you to do the following: 1.Tell me a random thought about how you feel about school. 2.What are two goals that you have for this year? 3.Tell the title of a song that represents who you are or what you believe to be true (name of band or artist). 4.Which color describes your mood right now? 5.If I could meet anyone famous or legendary, who would it be? 6.What is the one thing that you want Ms. Watson to know and remember about you?
Group Activity Ms. Watson will divide you into random groups of four students. Next, pick up your belongings and move to an area of the room where your group can sit together. Wait…Listen for the instructions!