Preferred Partner Program (P3) Overview
Preferred Partner Program (P3)
Overview: an earnback program – Customer finances equipment purchase from NAPA with Commodore Financial – Customer agrees to buy $X more in parts each month from NAPA (“purchase goal”) Every month the customer reaches “purchase goal” with NAPA, the NAPA store will give them an earnback covering the Commodore finance payment for their equipment that month – The customer pays Commodore every month, whether they reach their purchase goal or not Even if they only reach their goal 50% of the time, they are still buying more parts from NAPA and still getting 50% of the equipment paid by the NAPA store!
Preferred Partner Program (P3) Commodore monthly payment x 10 + current avg monthly NAPA purchases New monthly “purchase goal” Example: Customer spends an average of $5k/month now with NAPA. Commodore payment is $200/month on a new equipment lease. $200 x 10 + $5,000 new goal $2,000 + $5,000 $7,000 Each month this customer buys $7k in parts from NAPA, they get reimbursed by the store for their Commodore payment that month!
P3 Program P3 Data 50% Average increase in parts business with NAPA in first year of P3 agreement 8% Average increase in parts business with NAPA on months customer didn’t reach their purchase goal ** (still buying more when not reaching their goal!!) Data above updated through November 30 th, 2015