Unit 1: Concepts of Algebra Test Review Integrated Math 2 Unit 1: Concepts of Algebra Test Review
Topics Covered Properties of Real Numbers Solving equations (from applications) Solving equations (algebraic proofs) Literal equations Laws of Exponents Polynomials Expressions with rational exponents and radicals Writing functions for two quantities
Vocabulary Exponent Expression Terms Equation Linear Quadratic Exponential Reflexive Property Symmetric Property Transitive Property Substitution Property Polynomial Monomials Binomials Literal equation
Solving Equations From applications Algebraic proofs Literal equations
Laws of Exponents & Polynomials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ9A-o3dUlM Types Terminology Add/Subtract Multiply
Expressions with Rational Exponents and Radicals Simplify expressions with and without variables
Writing Functions How can we show the relationship of two objects algebraically?