Payload Inventory Management & Stowage Operations Processes 10/19/99 Point of Contact Gordon Boswell MSFC/POIF/OI (256)
Payload Inventory Management & Stowage Process Flow (Increment Preparation) - SPIP v. 3, Cargo Analytical Integration - SPIP v. 8, Section 15, Inventory Management - SSP 50427, On-Orbit Inventory Stowage Imple- mentation Plan - SSP 50277, Integrated Logistics Support Plan - PL and EXPRESS Integrated Agreements - SSP 50007, Space Station IMS Label Specification - Payload Data Set Blank Book (Configuration Data Set) - SSP 50467, Cargo Stowage Technical Manual Vehicle Master Database (VMDB) - Space Station Configuration Control Document (SSCCD) On-Orbit Stowage Capabilities & Req. Document (OSCAR) KSC Stowage Analytical Integration Middeck/MPLM stowage - Develop IMS database - Develop Inventory Stowage File (ISF) Inventory & Stowage IOP Set L-5 thru L-1 L-12 thru L-1 L-11, Baseline L-6, Final Stowage procedures CMI ISS A B ETOV Increment Operations Increment Operations LEGEND:POIFPDsRSAMCC-H/KSC PL stowage requirements Crew procedure stowage requirements CMILP IOP Web site - Payload Ops Handbook - Joint Ops Interface Procedures Sims L-16 CDS Baseline L-5 CDS Update PDL US PODF I-9 Cadre/PD I-6 Integrated I-3 JMST I-19 Preliminary I-16 Rev A I-7 Final Crew Training I-18 Preliminary I-15 Rev A I-6 Final I-12 Ready For Training (RFT) ISO POIC Stowage Audit requests L-3.5 PD L-4 2 ATOM SIS IMS - Manifest development (IDRD, Annex 1) On-Orbit Stowage Capabilities & Req. Doc. (OSCAR) L-5, Baseline POIC Alternate inv. data flow Primary inv. data flow ISSPO/OC7 PD IMS label # OR PD Request for IMS label (JSC Form 733a) DDPF IMS bar code # PD - L-12, Baseline Physical integration
POIC/Payload Developer/MCC-H Payload Inventory Management & Stowage Roles & Responsibilities (Increment Preparation) POIC/Stowage Prep Integrate Stationwide and NASA/NASA- element day-to-day payload stowage activities Assess JSC Cargo/Stowage Integration (CI/SI) activities Monitor PDL, VMDB, and CMILP/IMS data flow and assess impacts to increment planning Forward integrated PD inventory audit requests to the MCC-H Audit Team Assess and forward integrated PD stowage status/problems to JSC CI/SI Perform payload stowage top level assessment (PDL vs. IDRD, Annex 1/ topology vs. OSCAR) Review PD Increment Evaluation Report comments and forward to MCC-H ISO Develop/update Joint Operations Interface Procedures and Payload Operations Handbook payload stowage procedures Obtain IMS bar code labels for PODF contents Payload Developer (PD) Identify payload stowage requirements Enter stowage requirements in the Payload Data Library (PDL) Configuration Data Set (CDS) Document stowage locations in crew procedures Ensure procedures are consistent with onboard stowage locations and hardware callouts Validate operations nomenclature of stowage items Identify inventory audit requests to POIC Stowage Review Increment Evaluation Reports and provide impacts to POIC/Stowage Prep. Submit PD-acquired hardware IMS bar code label number to, or submit JSC Form 733a to have bar code label prepared by DDPF to, ISSPO/OC7 3 MCC-H Perform stationwide cargo/stowage integration functions Maintain VMDB, CMILP and IMS databases Perform stationwide inventory tracking Develop inventory related reports Maintain inventory reports on the IOP Web page Chair OIS Sub-Panel and Audit Team activities Develop/update Joint Operations Interface Procedures
Payload Inventory Management & Stowage Process Flow (Increment Operations) ISS SSC OPS LAN (IMS/MPV) MCC-H Orbital Communications Adapter (OCA) Console ISO POIC - IMS change file CMILP Ground IMS - Updated IMS change file Inventory & Stowage IOP Set Crew CMI - File update LEGEND: POIC RSA PDsMCC-H ISS/CREW IOP Web site - IMS updates -IMS reports PDs B A 4 - Monitor and respond to payload inventory and stowage activities - Monitor and coordinate Stationwide NASA/NASA-element payload inventory and stowage activities Primary inv. data flow Alternate inv. data flow Increment Preparations Stowage Analytical Integration -IMS reports Next inc./flight planning
POIC/Payload Developer Inventory Management & Stowage Roles & Responsibilities (Increment Operations) POIC Stowage Coordinate/integrate day-to-day payload stowage activities Provide On-Call inventory/stowage support to POIC Cadre. Support TCO in resolving payload stowage issues for the crew. Represent the POIC on the OIS Sub-Panel and Audit Team Monitor IMS/CMILP data flow and assess impacts to payload activities Consolidate IMS change file comments from PDs and forward to MCC-H ISO Assess and forward consolidated PD audit requests to MCC-H ISO Assess impact of Inventory Event Reports comments from PDs. Forward to MCC-H ISO and POIC Increment Preparation Team (Stowage Prep). Assess off-nominal stowage location change requests from PDs and forward to MCC-H ISO Assess OCRs for inventory/ stowage impacts POIC TCO Coordinate/resolve/log problems that affect payload inventory, stowage and resupply planning during POIC Stowage absence Payload Developer (PD) Monitor crew procedure activities Ensure crew procedures are updated for off- nominal stowage location changes Forward off-nominal stowage location changes to POIC Stowage Review IMS change files and provide comments to POIC Stowage Assist POIC Stowage & Timeline Change Officer (TCO) in responding to crew payload inventory/ stowage requests Submit inventory audit requests to POIC Stowage Review Inventory Event Reports and forward comments to POIC Stowage Notify POIC Stowage of pending Operational Change Requests (OCR) 5
MCC-H/Crew Inventory Management & Stowage Roles & Responsibilities (Increment Operations) MCC-H On-Orbit inventory Stowage (OIS) Sub-Panel Define inventory and stowage roles & responsibilities and resolve issues Oversee Audit Team activities Inventory Stowage Officer Track and resolve impacts affecting day-to- day stationwide inventory/stowage activities Update CMILP and develop on-orbit IMS reports Coordinate inventory change file comments with POIC Stowage Create updated change file to be uplinked to Crew Assist Partners in locating stowage items Coordinate inventory Audit Team activities Cargo/Stowage Integration Perform analytical and physical integration of cargo on Shuttle resupply/return flights and U.S. On-orbit Segment on-orbit stowage integration Coordinate technical integration data exchange between NASA and the International Partners Provide the cargo layouts for the ISS, MPLM and other assigned carriers Crew Stow/unstow items per procedures Update IMS and/or notify POIC Stowage/ TCO for off-nominal payload stowage locations 6
Acronyms/Abbreviations 7 ATOM - ACCESS Tool for Official Manifest CMI - Cargoflow Manifesting and Inventory CMILP - Consolidated Maintenance, Inventory, Logistics Planning CDS - Configuration Data Set DDPF - Decal & Design Production Facility ETOV - Earth to Orbit Vehicle IMS - Inventory Management System IOP - Increment Operations Plan ISO - Inventory Stowage Officer JMST - Joint Multi-Segment Training LSE - Laboratory Support Equipment MPLM - Multi-Purpose Logistics Module MPV - Manual Procedures Viewer MWG - Manifest Working Group OC - Operations Controller OCR - Operational Change Request OIS - On-Orbit Inventory Stowage OSCAR - On-Orbit Stowage Capabilities & Requirements Document PD - Payload Developer PDL - Payload Data Library POIC - Payload Operations Interface Center SIS - Stowage Integration System TCO - Timeline Change Officer VMDB - Vehicle Master Data Base