ECE 4991 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Chapter 5
2 Grades so far…
3 Where are we? Chapter 2 - The basic concepts and practice at analyzing simple electric circuits with sources and resistors Chapter 3 – More harder networks to analyze and the notion of equivalent circuits Chapter 4 – Capacitors and inductors added to the mix Chapter 5 – Analyzing transient situations in complex passive networks Chapter 8 – New subject – the wonders of operational amplifiers as system elements Chapter 9 – Introduction to semiconductors – the basics and diodes – more network analysis Chapter 10 – Bipolar junction transistors and how they work – now you can build your own op amp
4 What’s Important in Chapter 5 1.Definitions, Concepts & Units 2.Writing differential equations for first-order circuits 3.Solving circuits in initial and final circuit conditions
5 1. Definitions, Concepts & Units First order circuits Second order circuits t t = 0 or t = 0 + or t = 0 - Steady state Equilibrium Switch Capacitor characteristics Inductor characteristics All you already know about circuit analysis
6 2. Writing differential equations for first order circuits V C R Use KVL
7 First order circuits V R Use KVL L
8 First order circuits Use KCL I R C
9 First order circuits Use KCL I R L
10 Working with LCR Circuits I R1R1 C R3R3 V R2R2
11 Working with LCR Circuits I R1R1 C R3R3 V R2R2
12 Working with LCR Circuits I R1R1 C R3R3 V R2R2
13 Working with LCR Circuits I R1R1 L C R2R2 V
14 For Next Time 1.Get incredibly familiar with the characteristics of LCR circuits! 2.Prepare for our quiz