When you were six What did you look like? Who was your favorite person? What thing did you like to do best? What did you like to eat best? Who was your hero? What was your biggest fear? What was your hope for the future ?
Creating six-year-old you Color your hair and clothes to look like you would have looked at 6. Create a t-shirt that will explain who your hero/favorite person was: add a slogan, name, design Draw a picture of your favorite food and place it in your right hand Draw a representation of your biggest fear and place that in your left hand Cut out the body, recycling your extra paper and glue the body to a piece of paper which was your favorite color at 6 On an index card write “I hope…” filling in your hope for the future. Glue the index card to your paper Put your name at the bottom
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Information for this Power Point came from and the Town of Knightdale, NCwww.neabigread.org
Biography Born April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama Mother was Frances Cunningham Finch Father was Amasa Lee, a lawyer, who hoped she would one day be a lawyer also Lee grew up as a tomboy who fought a lot; she and Scout could have been good friends Neighbor was future author Truman Capote Moved to New York after college and eventually wrote To Kill a Mockingbird which was published in 1960 and was on the best-seller list for 84 weeks
Writing the novel Lee’s father had unsuccessfully defended a black man and his son in a charge of murdering a white shopowner The trial of the Scottsboro Boys occurred during the 1930s, trial of nine black young men accused of raping two white women These incidents among others stirred Lee’s social conscience The novel won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 TKM was made into a movie in 1962
Format of the novel Story is told as a flashback from an adult Scout and begins by telling readers that when Jem was 13 he broke his arm The novel has two main plot lines which come together by the end 1. Seeing “Boo” Radley, which highlights a theme of tolerance 2. Atticus and the case of Tom Robinson, which highlights the theme of injustice
1930s Times hard for all during the Great Depression 25% of population was unemployed at the worst part Scottsboro Boys Trial (Lee was four when this began) Jim Crow Laws: Black curfew Segregated public areas Mixed relationships/marriages illegal Juries of all white men Laws inconsistently enforced Black man accused of assaulting white woman would be presumed guilty, not innocent
Truman Capote- “Dill” Lee and Capote became friends in kindergarten and were next door neighbors Her father gave them an old typewriter which they used to write their own stories In third grade he moved to New York City to live with his mother and stepfather but returned to Alabama in the summer
Mockingbirds “but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” Atticus Mockingbirds mimic other birds and insects usually at a fast rate, they can remember up to 200 songs Main purpose is to make music Associated with what is innocent and harmless In the novel, killing a mockingbird is “associated with the sinful, pointless and cruel”
Small town life The story is set in a small, Southern town in the years following the Stock Market Crash of While most southern, small towns were peaceful during this time, the people who lived there were often very poor and had little in the way of luxuries. Also, that peace was often kept at the expense of certain groups of people in the communities: the very poor and African-Americans Jim Crow laws were segregating white and black, sometimes violently. Racial prejudice and sometimes hatred were a part of everyone’s lives.
Knightdale Our town was a very small town in the Depression, populated mostly by farmers with most of the town centered in what are now Main St. and First Avenue.
Other views of Knightdale from the early 20 th century First fire truck Downtown fire Picking beans outside of town
The original Knightdale High School Train depot First town well
Class timeline Each group will be given 2 years and a piece of paper. You will select 3 events from your worksheets for each year and put them on your paper WORK NEATLY!!!!!!!!!! Put your years in chronological order with the first year on the top If your group has the prices, someone will have to go to the computer to print pictures for at least 4 of the items listed on the left side of your sheet Your paper should be neatly arranged to show the differences between the 1930s and the 2010s